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12 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course Lesson 23

earth, at one time, had rings like the planet 9. How will the Holy City be built?
Saturn) and 140,000,000 square miles of LAND Revelation 21:10-25. Notice the size of the city.
(not earth) will be uncovered -- NOT burned up How big will it be? Revelation 21:15-17.
as many think. COMMENT: A furlong in the days of
There is a vast difference between Yeshua the Messiah and the apostle John was
burning up the entire earth and uncovering some approximately 582 feet. This would make a city
140,000,000 square miles of NEW LAND, and it nearly 1,500 miles in each direction!
is obvious that this was the theme of Peter’s 10. Are rivers of living waters to be
words and that he had no thought of a completely available in this New Heavens and New Earth?
burned up earth! Some areas of the earth that Revelation 22:1-2. Isn’t this time pictured by
have been polluted by man will be purified by the Last Great Day (Shemini Atzeret -- Eighth
fire, but vast areas never touched by man will be Day)? The final day in YEHOVAH God’s
uncovered. perfect Master Plan for man’s ultimate spiritual
3. Notice what Ecclesiastes 1:4 says. re-creation? Of course it is. Doesn’t Luke in
COMMENT: Peter believed the writing Acts describe this as the RESTITUTION
prophets and accepted their words that “the earth OF ALL THINGS? Acts 3:21. Aren’t all reborn
abideth FOREVER.” Christians to receive spiritual refreshment from
4. Not only that, but YEHOVAH God YEHOVAH God at this time? Acts 3:19.
said the earth was TO BE INHABITED -- Isaiah
45:18. We can rely on their words, not upon the Now You Understand YEHOVAH’s Holy
words of the faulty English translators, and we Days
can rest assured that the earth will NEVER be
completely burned up! Consider for just a moment!
5. Is this the time when the New Before you began to study your Bible
Jerusalem will descend out of heaven to the with the aid of the HOPE OF ISRAEL
earth, and become the capital of the universe? MINISTRIES BIBLE CORRESPONDENCE
Revelation 21:2 and Isaiah 52:1. COURSE, you probably knew nothing at all of
6. Isn’t this the first time in history that YEHOVAH God’s plan for the eventual
YEHOVAH God the Father will PERMA- salvation of mankind. Now this knowledge has
NENTLY reign with Jesus Christ on earth with been made available to you. Your mind has been
His newly born spiritual sons? Revelation opened to understand things that men all over the
22:3-5. earth want to know. You now know the answers
COMMENT: Prior to the cleansing of to the basic, important, over-all questions
parts of the world in the Lake of Fire, concerning life and the purpose for which you
YEHOVAH God the Father -- in His Shekinah have been born, because YEHOVAH God has
Glory form -- would temporarily sojourn on the chosen to reveal it to you.
earth. When it is purified He will establish His This is a startling fact -- did you ever
personal headquarters and throne in this Holy wonder why such a thing is true?
City. Why has this vitally important, essential
7. Doesn’t YEHOVAH God intend to knowledge been made available to the entire
share this new project with His spiritual sons? world through only one source, and why has it
Isaiah 66:22. been made available to you -- now?
8. Who is it that will live in the Holy 1. When the multitudes asked the
City, and have a part with YEHOVAH God and Messiah for a sign, that his work was the work of
Yeshua the Messiah in the refurbishing of the YEHOVAH God the Father, what did he reply?
universe? Revelation 22:14. John 6:28-33.

The Last Great Day -- A New Beginning!
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