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P. 13

Lesson 20 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course 13

COMMENT: A strange man in a lonely that disobeying laws YEHOVAH God has set
place at night will be a source of help, not for our good leads to nothing but wretchedness,
someone to fear! Under the right system of filth, and deprivation.
government and education, human beings will The Feast of Tabernacles was given that
become worth something. we might “learn to fear [YEHOVAH] God
5. In the secure, rejuvenated World always" (Deuteronomy 14:23). We SHOULD
Tomorrow, will it be said to them: “Be strong, fear to disobey. Most people have NEVER HAD
fear not ... God will save you”? Isaiah 35:4. And a right kind of fear.
will miracles of healing be performed on those
who are deformed? Isaiah 35:5, 6; 33:24. Israel to Be Chief of Nations
COMMENT: Physical deformity is
simply the penalty of physical sin. Years of 1. Will the remnant of Israel alive at
wrong eating, drug taking, general dissipation, YEHOVAH God’s coming be eager to enter into
parenthood before complete physical maturity, the New Covenant with Him? Jeremiah 50:4, 5.
radiation -- causing genetic damage to Will the Messiah’s blood cleanse all Israel so
reproductive germ cells -- mean deformity for that in serving and living for others -- a
future generations. converted, truly Christian life -- this nation shall
6. What about fear of accidents? See reach the very apex of joy and gladness and
COMMENT. material prosperity? Jeremiah 33:7-9.
COMMENT: When the Law goes forth COMMENT: Return from captivity of a
from Zion (Isaiah 2:3) the principle of personal very few -- nearly all from Judah, only one tribe
responsibility will be taught worldwide (Exodus -- could not fulfill this prophecy. They never
21:29, 33-34, 22:6). Yes, we ARE “our brother’s attained great prosperity. Nor did they even
keeper”! approach the degree of wealth Israel had
There will be few accidents. But if possessed under David and Solomon. When
someone should occasionally be careless and THIS IS fulfilled, “ALL Israel shall be saved”
YEHOVAH allows an accident to teach a lesson, (Romans 11:26)! What a WONDERFUL time
the miraculous healing power of YEHOVAH that will be!
God will be ever available. 2. At that time, will physical Israel be
7. Will the fear of a food shortage -- a YEHOVAH’s delight, married to Him? Isaiah
specter that continually haunts most of the world 62:4, 5. “Beulah” means “married.”
-- be gone? Isaiah 30:23, 24. Will even the steep COMMENT: Verse 5 is mistranslated
and rough places produce food abundantly? in the King James or Authorized Version. Here
Amos 9:13. is how the Jewish Tanakh translation renders it:
8. What about that nameless fear, “As a youth espouses a maiden, he who rebuilds
timidity -- lack of confidence that plagues so you shall espouse you; and as a bridegroom
many? Will those who REALLY “know the rejoices over his bride, so will your God rejoice
LORD [YEHOVAH]" dwell with confidence? over you."
Ezekiel 28:26. Re-education will take care of 3. Was Israel to set an example of
that. They won’t be taught self-confidence, but obedience to YEHOVAH’s statutes and laws so
confidence in YEHOVAH’s spirit dwelling all nations might see the wisdom of living the
within them. way that produces success? Deuteronomy 4:5,
9. What kind of fear will remain? Isaiah 6. When YEHOVAH’s ways are fully practiced
59:19; Jeremiah 32:39, 40 will people have to admit they are the right ways
COMMENT: This fear is not terror and to live? Verse 6.
misery, but mature, sound-minded realization COMMENT: They will be coming to

Feast of Tabernacles -- THE WORLD TOMORROW
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