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16 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course Lesson 20

Unfaithful Israel committed adultery Millennium is yet only the beginning of eternity
(Jeremiah 3:8), but the great false church, the -- of happiness and accomplishment.
Gentile whore of Revelation 17 and 18 -- the
Roman Catholic Church -- commits FORNI- The Meaning of Booths
CATION. That one was never married to the
Messiah and was NEVER YEHOVAH God’s 1. Did YEHOVAH God decree that all
Church. Israelites live in booths -- that is, temporary
YEHOVAH’s true Church is not a dwellings, during the Feast of Tabernacles?
Gentile church. It is an Israelitish church. A Leviticus 23:42. What is a booth? Verse 40.
Gentile-born person enters into it only by COMMENT: A booth (or tabernacle) is
becoming a spiritual Israelite (Ephesians 2:11, a temporary shelter. Its essential characteristic is
12; Romans 9:4, 5; John 4:22). its temporary nature. A tent or a one-room house
The Messiah, as the mediator of the New of leafy boughs would not be suitable for
Testament, will not marry another. He will continual habitation.
marry Israel. Note that the Bride is already -- 2. Additional instruction in observing
before the marriage -- his “wife” (Revelation YEHOVAH's festival of Tabernacles is given in
19:7). verses 39-43 of this Leviticus 23 -- verses which
But the Lamb is spirit. His wife must also have generally been ignored and overlooked,
become spirit, if it is to be a lasting congenial and never explained. Notice what these verses
marriage. A man could not marry an animal or add to the festival commandment!
anything less than human. Neither can the COMMENT: Notice that this
Messiah’s wife be less than born again into the commandment to celebrate the Feast of Sukkot,
spiritual Family of YEHOVAH God! and to "dwell" in booths -- temporary huts built
She must be a REBORN Israel (II for use during the Festival -- was "A STATUTE
Corinthians 11:2), who has “made herself FOR EVER in your generations"!
ready" (Revelation 19:7). In all the years I observed the Feast of
Spiritual Israel will constitute the ruling
echelon of the fleshly nation Israel. Israelites of Sukkah or booth -- a temporary dwelling during
the flesh who become qualified, as well as the Feast of Tabernacles.
Gentiles, will be added to YEHOVAH’s ruling
family all through the Millennium as they are
born again.
The whole 54th chapter of Isaiah is
devoted to describing physical Israel now
remarried to YEHOVAH God, in contrast with
the physical nation Israel being divorced from
YEHOVAH during the preceding 3000 years.
Notice especially the first 6 verses. The nation of
Israel has been desolate -- the truly converted
few in number -- until the making of the New
Covenant -- a marriage covenant. The spiritual
church of converted Israel will multiply at the
appearing of the Messiah and the return of
YEHOVAH God -- and during the Millennium.
The Family of YEHOVAH God is
getting set for the greater things still future. The

Feast of Tabernacles -- THE WORLD TOMORROW
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