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Lesson 40 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course 9

WHERE promulgated a doctrine about a “pre- is likely this verse is not genuine. It is wanting in
existent savior” -- and NEITHER did the Mes- every MS. Of this epistle written before the
siah or the apostles in the New Testament. But invention of printing, one excepted, the Codex
the adherents of PAGANISM, anxious to incor- Montfortii, in Trinity College, Dublin: the others
porate this doctrine (which was one of THEIR which omit this verse amount to ONE HUN-
oldest and most honored) into their “Christian” DRED AND TWELVE.
religion, went so far as to ADD verses to the “It is wanting in both the SYRIAC, all
New Testament to “prove” their doctrine of pre- the ARABIC, ETHIOPIC, the COPTIC, SAHI-
existence and the Trinity. This is something the DIC, ARMENIAN, SLAVONIAN, etc., in a
scriptures adamantly CONDEMN. Here is a word, in ALL the ancient versions but the Vul-
verse (found in the King James version) that was gate; and even of this version many of the most
ADDED for this very reason -- I John 5:7. ancient and correct MSS. Have it NOT. It is also
COMMENT: So what is wrong with wanting in ALL the ancient Greek fathers; and in
this scripture? Simply this: This entire verse is most even of the Latin.”
NOT even found in the Greek writings before The first perpetrator of this FRAUD add-
the year 400 A.D.! The apostle John NEVER ed the pagan doctrine of the Trinity to the Bible
wrote this -- nor would it have ever entered his -- that there are three gods in one: the Father
mind! (one), the “Word” (the Messiah; two) and the
The later translators knew this verse was Holy Spirit, a personified third god (three).
ADDED and bogus, yet they failed to italicize it, However, the other perpetrators of this FALSE
which is the standard practice to show the reader doctrine are just as guilty of deception since they
that those particular words and phrases were DID NOT remove this verse from subsequent
added. This, in itself, proves that those in control versions of the Bible when they uncovered the
of translating the scriptures were those who truth about it!
EMBRACED the doctrines of paganism -- and It is interesting to note that in the
NOT the every word of YEHOVAH God! Chaldee Targums (paraphrases of parts of the
The Emphatic Diaglott, page 803, Old Testament written in the Chaldee language)
shows this missing in their translation -- and also we find that YEHOVAH God is called “the
explains WHY -- Word of the Lord” and equated with the Sheki-
“This text concerning the heavenly wit- nah Glory! It is, in fact, common practice in the
nesses is not contained in ANY Greek
manuscript which was written earlier Trinity College, Dublin.
that the 15th century. It is not cited in
any of the Greek ecclesiastical writers;
nor by any of the early Latin fathers,
even when the subject upon which they
treat would naturally have led them to
appeal to its authority. It is therefore
evidently spurious; and was first cited
(though not as it now reads) by Vigilius
Tapsensis, a Latin writer of no credit, in
the latter end of the fifth century; but by
whom forged, is of no great moment, as
its design must be obvious to all.”

Adam Clarke, in his Clarke’s
Commentary, goes on to tell us: “But it

The Messiah’s Pre-Existence -- Fact Or Fable?
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