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P. 11

Lesson 40 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course 11

2: “Thy throne, GIVEN OF GOD, endureth for ANOTHER line, which is a totally INCOR-
ever: the scepter of equity is the scepter of thy RECT self-interpretation, a deliberate distortion,
kingdom.” or they are ignorant of what the New Testament
With this in mind, the TRUE TRANS- says about the Messiah’s father, Joseph. We
LATION of Psalm 45:6-7 is as follows: “Your need to first review WHO Yeshua the Messiah
throne, GIVEN OF YEHOVAH, is for ever and really is -- not in relation to his ministry but in
ever; the scepter; ruling staff, of your kingdom is regard to his ancestry.
a scepter; ruling rod, of righteousness. You, too, This verse certainly makes it appear that
have loved righteousness and hated wickedness; Joseph was the SON OF ELI (or Heli) and that
therefore YEHOVAH your FATHER has the Messiah was only the “supposed” son of
anointed you with the oil of gladness over your Joseph. But if we look closely we see that in the
fellow men.”

This is EXACTLY how Hebrews 1:8-9
should have been translated -- because it is a
DIRECT quotation! We know that the author of
the Book of Hebrews (Paul) was not saying
anything that was not already in the Book of

Psalms because he was quoting from it. Psalm
45:6-7 is a PROPHECY that will take place
when Yeshua the Messiah is crowned king
under his Father YEHOVAH. The Messiah did
NOT “have” this throne when the Psalms were
written. Why? Because he did NOT yet exist!
And the Messiah does not “have” this
throne even at this time because all things have
NOT YET been placed under the Messiah --
referring to the world to come as pointed out in
Hebrews 2:5-8.

Notice the last part of verse 8 in
Hebrews 2. These things are NOT under the
Messiah yet, but they will be one day soon --
because this was in YEHOVAH God’s plan
from the very beginning! Therefore, Psalm Joseph the carpenter -- the biological father of
45:6-7 and Hebrews 1:8-9 are the SAME pro- Yeshua the Messiah.
phecy that will take place in the near future, Old Testament and the gospel of Matthew that
concerning the only begotten son of YEHOVAH the Chosen One of YEHOVAH God would
God -- BUT THEY DO NOT TEACH OF ANY come from the lineage of the Davidic kingship.
PRE-EXISTENT GOD-SAVIOR! Luke’s genealogy is certainly NOT the
succession line of kings from David, regardless
The Father of the Messiah of all the weak explanations put forward to try
and justify the ideology of the virgin-birth belief.
1. One of the most commonly used Matthew’s lineage IS of the Davidic kingship
verses for the defense of the virgin-birth belief is but Luke’s is not.
Luke 3:23. 2. What do we find written on the tablet
COMMENT: Some make claim that that described the crime the Messiah would be
this verse refers to Joseph’s genealogy through

The Messiah’s Pre-Existence -- Fact Or Fable?
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