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P. 15

Lesson 40 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course 15

OF POSITION or STATUS -- not necessarily of
birth. There were SPECIAL PRIVILEGES
granted the LEGAL firstborn in a family. He
PRIEST, he received a double portion of the
family inheritance.
But the law of YEHOVAH God pro-
vided that the eldest son of a family could
FORFEIT his position as legal firstborn, if guilty
of misconduct or inability to perform the neces-
sary duties, and be SUPPLANTED by a YOUN-
GER son. In other words, it was not necessary
for the Messiah to be the FIRST of YEHO-
VAH’s creation to be eligible for the position of
legal firstborn.
3. For example, consider I Chronicles
COMMENT: Reuben’s lewd conduct
earned the rebuke of his father, who deposed him
from his legal status of firstborn, and gave the Ephraim being blessed as the firstborn by Jacob
position to a much YOUNGER son -- Joseph. -- even though he was YOUNGER than his
4. There are other examples of this in the brother Manasseh.
Bible. Genesis 48:14-19, Jeremiah 31:9, Gene-
sis 25:32-34 and I Chronicles 26:10. 6. The Bible refers to TWO notable
COMMENT: Ephraim was blessed as “sons of God” -- Adam and the Messiah. Luke
firstborn by Jacob -- even though he was 3:38.
YOUNGER than Manasseh his brother, and YE- COMMENT: The “first Adam” FOR-
HOVAH God ENDORSED the appointment by FEITED the right of inheritance, the position of
describing Ephraim as “His firstborn.” Jacob firstborn of the human race, because of sin; but
was given the birthright over his OLDER YEHOVAH God raised up a YOUNGER Son
brother Esau. Simri was appointed to the posi- (called in I Corinthians 15:45 “the last Adam”)
tion even though he was YOUNGER in years whose COMPLETE OBEDIENCE to the will of
than his brethren. These examples (and there are his Father proved him worthy of pre-eminence.
many others) CLEARLY show that it was often He was thus ELEVATED to the position of
the practice for a YOUNGER son to be elevated FIRSTBORN of the human race, which means
to the position of legal firstborn in a family. that he receives “a double portion of the inheri-
5. In fact, this was so common that the tance,” and that he ACTS AS A PRIEST in the
Mosaic Law PROHIBITED the elevation of a family of YEHOVAH God. Yeshua the Messiah
younger son to the position on the mere WHIM IS firstborn -- NOT by fact of longevity (which
of his father, because of favoritism -- notice confers NO merit) but BY VIRTUE OF HIS
Deuteronomy 21:17 again. MORAL EXCELLENCE!
COMMENT: This prohibition shows 7. The Messiah’s elevation was pre-
that a legal firstborn could be a YOUNGER son, dicted in the Old Testament. Psalm 89:27.
and therefore has a GREAT BEARING on the COMMENT: The use of the FUTURE
interpretation of Colossians 1:15. TENSE in this prophecy shows that the Messiah

The Messiah’s Pre-Existence -- Fact Or Fable?
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