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18 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course Lesson 40

NEVER literally in heav- 2. What about the prophet
en. That is the sense in Jeremiah? Jeremiah 1:4-
which the Messiah’s 5.
words are to be under- COMMENT: Could not
stood. He was “not of this the above verses be con-
world” in THE SAME strued to mean that Jere-
SENSE as John exhorted miah pre-existed in some
believers in the Messiah to “spiritual” form before he
be “not of this world” (I came to inhabit his earthly
John 2:15). The followers body? After all, YEHO-
of the Messiah are ex- VAH God “knew” him
pected to look BEYOND BEFORE his birth and
the earthly things of this also “sanctified” him BE-
world to the GLORY YET FORE the womb, right?
TO BE REVEALED, and Or does it make MORE
to become mentally and SENSE that YEHOVAH
morally CHANGED by was saying that he was
the influence (holy spirit) calling “things that are not
that is “from above.” as though they are”?
3. YEHOVAH God also

Biblical Pre-Existence speaks of Cyrus, king of
The Messiah told Nicodemus that a person the Persian Empire, more
We fully realize must be “born from above” to inherit the than 150 years BEFORE
that questioning the pre- Kingdom of YEHOVAH God. the events described oc-
existence of Yeshua the curred. He is even referred
Messiah places us considerably OUTSIDE the to as YEHOVAH’S ANOINTED in the work
mainstream. However, when we are dealing with that he was to accomplish on behalf of the
a God that has the ability to “ things that are captive Judahites. Isaiah 44:28-45:1.
not as though they are” -- we must be careful not COMMENT: As you can see for your-
to project literal meanings to things that He self, in this example Cyrus had YEHOVAH
intended as FIGURATIVE. That the perpe- God’s anointing to perform good things for the
trators of the Trinitarian and Two-God views are Judahites that were in Babylonian captivity. He
INCONSISTENT when they apply pre-exis- was the one that authorized their return to
tence ONLY to the anointed Messiah is easily Palestine to rebuild the walls and temple of
proven. Jerusalem that had been razed by the forces of
1. There are SEVERAL PEOPLE in the Nebuchadnezzar, the first king of the Neo-
Bible that were described as pre-existing. King Babylonian Empire, circa. 586 B.C. As remark-
David was one of those. Notice Psalm 139: able in scope as is the prophecy of Isaiah that
14-16. recorded these events almost TWO CEN-
COMMENT: While this Psalm is a re- TURIES BEFORE they occurred, NO theo-
markable description of the power and planning logian tries to make the pre-existence of Cyrus
of the great YEHOVAH God, NO theologian LITERAL -- so WHY do this with the Messiah?
tries to literalize David’s pre-existence from this Are you getting the point?
text. So HOW did David pre-exist? That’s right 4. Even the apostle Paul alludes to a

-- IN THE MIND AND FOREKNOWLEDGE SIMILAR pre-existence -- notice Galatians 1:

The Messiah’s Pre-Existence -- Fact Or Fable?
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