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12 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course Lesson 30

the people KEEP -- rest on -- the Sabbath? this act of disobedience? Exodus 16:28. Notice
Exodus 16:23. Did YEHOVAH command this in particular -- did YEHOVAH God just
Israel to keep the Sabbath to PROVE whether confine his rebuke to those refusing to keep this
they would walk in -- OBEY -- His LAW or not? one command, or did He call attention to ALL
Exodus 16:4. Note the word “law.” HIS COMMANDMENTS and LAWS they had
COMMENT: Here is YEHOVAH been breaking? Same verse.
God’s law ALREADY IN EFFECT at that very COMMENT: This conversation was
time! YEHOVAH wanted to see whether the going on weeks BEFORE YEHOVAH RE-
people would obey its fourth cardinal point -- STATED His spiritual laws to Moses and the
WEEKS BEFORE THEY CAME TO Mount people at Sinai. And it was MONTHS BEFORE
Sinai where the Ten Commandments were YEHOVAH gave the SEPARATE RITUAL-
RESTATED (Exodus 20) and, months later the ISTIC LAW of sacrifices and ablutions which
was to be in force ONLY UNTIL the
Messiah’s death!
So the Sabbath was ALREADY
the law of YEHOVAH God at that time,
as well as the other commands and laws
YEHOVAH referred to in verse 28!

The Fifth, Seventh and Eighth

1. What is the FIFTH command-
ment? Exodus 20:12. Do we find a
retribution -- a curse falling on one who
broke this law LONG BEFORE the time
of Sinai? Let’s examine.
2. Did Noah become drunk?
Genesis 9:20-23. Did he realize a sin
Representations of the goddess Anat. She dates back to
had been committed against him? Verse
before the time of the Judges. Idolatry was also prevalent
24. What CURSE fell upon Canaan as a
before the time of Moses -- and was labeled as SIN by
result of this sin against Noah, his
YEHOVAH God in the Bible. Positive proof that
YEHOVAH’s Ten Commandments were in force before
3. What is the SEVENTH
command- ment? Exodus 20:14. Was it
also in effect and known LONG
BEFORE YEHOVAH God reiterated His
spiritual law to Moses and the people at Mount
5. Did some disregard YEHOVAH’s
Sinai? Let’s consider.
command to pick up a double portion of manna
4. When Joseph was in Egypt serving the
on the sixth day -- did they decide in advance to
Egyptians (Genesis 39:1-2), what IMPROPER
go out and WORK at gathering manna on this
advances did Potiphar’s wife make toward him?
seventh day -- the SABBATH day -- on which
Genesis 39:7. Did Joseph refuse? Verse 8.
YEHOVAH God had commanded them to
Why? Did Joseph say it would have been a SIN
REST? Verse 27.
to follow her wishes? Verse 9.
6. What did YEHOVAH God say about
COMMENT: Remember, where there
Is Obediance to the 10 Commandments Required for Salvation?
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