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14 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course Lesson 30

of them from the beginning!
YEHOVAH God created
man a creature of CHOICE. And so
YEHOVAH decreed that man
not he will obey YEHOVAH’s law.
The world as a whole has CHOSEN
NOT to obey and you see the
RESULTS of sin all around you!
Yes, the CHOICE IS
YOURS. But the actual fulfilling of
YEHOVAH’s royal law of love does
not lie within YOUR OWN power.
It is only possible through the
POWER of YEHOVAH’s spirit!
But there are PRIOR CON-
The Ten Commandments in the grounds of the Texas State
DITIONS to receiving YEHO-
Capital, Austin.
VAH’s holy spirit. First you must
REPENT of your past sins -- come to
Articles to Write For:
recognize and UTTERLY ABHOR your past
disobedience to YEHOVAH’s laws and QUIT
Law Versus Grace?
SINNING! Then you must acknowledge Yeshua
the Messiah as your personal Saviour who shed
Are the Old Testament Laws Still in Force Today?
his blood to blot out your sins and reconcile you
to the Father. Finally, YEHOVAH God
Was the LAW of YEHOVAH God “Nailed to the
commands WATER BAPTISM as a symbol of
your sincere repentance.
Once you have fulfilled these require-
Are You a “Comfortable” Christian?
ments, YEHOVAH promises to give you His
holy spirit as a FREE GIFT! (Acts 2:38.) Only
then will you be able to keep His SPIRITUAL
law in its true spiritual intent.
Answers to Questions in Lesson 29:
Do you begin to realize how DES-
1. The Good News of the Kingdom of
God’s spiritual law of love -- the Ten
YEHOVAH God. 2. Yes. 3. There will be
Commandments -- being FULFILLED in you? It
peace, prosperity and happiness. 4. The
is the ONLY WAY to achieve the true happiness
Mount of Olives. 5. The town of Bethany.
and material and SPIRITUAL blessings you
6. Just before the Millennium. 7. There
really desire!
would be an apostasy -- a falling into error --
What are you going to DO about it?
that would deceive many. 8. Yes. 9. Holy
beings -- angels and other heavenly host.
10. The saints -- those of his true Ecclesia.
11. The return of YEHOVAH God. 12. The
future appearance of the Messiah on this
earth. 13. No 14. Absolutely not!

Is Obediance to the 10 Commandments Required for Salvation?
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