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Lesson 30 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course 9

shows us HOW to AVOID unhappiness! the time of Moses? Romans 5:14. Note the
May YEHOVAH God help you to SEE words “Adam TO Moses.” Didn’t Adam
and ACT on this marvelous truth! PRECEDE Moses? Same verse.
COMMENT: Obviously those who
Commandments in Force From Adam believe that YEHOVAH’s spiritual law was not
given UNTIL the time of Moses are absolutely
the Ten Commandments to Adam and Eve in the EVERY ONE of the Ten Command-
Garden of Eden. Why? So that they and their ments was in existence during the time of Adam.
progeny could know what sin IS and AVOID it! It was SIN to break any one of them BEFORE
EVERY ONE of the Ten Command- they were RESTATED to Moses and the people
ments was then in full force and effect. And it at Mount Sinai!
was a SIN to break any one of them between the
time of Adam and Moses, just as it is TODAY! Man Must Choose
Let’s understand the truth.
1. Didn’t Paul plainly state that sin is YEHOVAH God ordained from the
NOT IMPUTED where there is NO law? beginning that He would NOT FORCE His way
Romans 5:13. to supreme happiness -- His spiritual law -- upon
COMMENT: YEHOVAH God reveals mankind. He determined man would have to
that “the wages of sin is death” (Romans 6:23). CHOOSE whether or not he would obey.
But where there IS NO law, there obviously 1. After creating Adam, did YEHOVAH
could be NO lawbreaking and therefore NO God place him in the Garden of Eden? Genesis
penalty could be imposed! 2:8. Then what did YEHOVAH give him
2. But do we find death DID reign -- that PERMISSION to do? Verse 16.
the death penalty was IMPUTED because of sin 2. Now notice YEHOVAH’s WARN-
-- beginning with the very time of Adam? ING immediately afterward. Genesis 2:17. Is it
Romans 5:12, 14. Then didn’t there obviously indulging in a MIXTURE of good and evil
have to be a LAW in existence from the time of actions that YEHOVAH God warns us against?
Adam? Same verse.
COMMENT: Adam SINNED! But he COMMENT: Here we see that YEHO-
could not have sinned had there been no law. VAH God is Supreme Ruler. YEHOVAH is
How plain that YEHOVAH God’s law existed giving the orders and is teaching. The man
then and that it STILL is in existence to this day; DIDN’T KNOW he shouldn’t partake of the tree
for YEHOVAH says: “all have sinned"! (Verse of good and evil. He had to be told. He had to be
The law of YEHOVAH God existed 3. What is the PENALTY -- what can be
FROM THE BEGINNING. YEHOVAH in- expected when one “eats,” or partakes of a
structed Adam and Eve in His law and revealed MIXTURE of good and evil? Genesis 2:17.
that living BY His laws would net them true COMMENT: YEHOVAH God warned
happiness and material abundance. He revealed man that disobedience -- SIN -- to His command
all this to them on the very NEXT DAY after would end in DEATH, for “the wages of sin is
their creation -- on the SABBATH -- the death”! (Romans 6: 23.)
SEVENTH day of the lunar week! But notice that the very fact YEHO-
3. Doesn’t all this plainly show that VAH said “In the day that THOU eatest
YEHOVAH’s law was first given far EARLIER thereof..." shows that man was ALLOWED to
than is generally assumed -- much earlier than do it, that the man was a FREE MORAL

Is Obediance to the 10 Commandments Required for Salvation?
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