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Lesson 30 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course 11

desire to have something that is not legal. Lust ADAM TO MOSES" (Romans 5:14), for the
causes one to STEAL and Adam and Eve broke law was in existence ALL DURING THAT
the EIGHTH commandment by STEALING TIME!
what was not theirs. 8. Was the sin of IDOLATRY also
FOUR OF THE TEN COMMAND- committed in the generations AFTER Abraham?
SIN. And in other ways, ALL of the Ten COMMENT: Jacob was Abraham’s
Commandments were actually broken in the GRANDSON.
very first sin! 9. Did Jacob command those of his
4. What were the names of Adam and household who worshipped idols, to PUT
Eve’s first two children? Genesis 4:1-2. What AWAY their strange gods? Same verse. What
did Cain do? Verse 3. And what did Abel do? was DONE with these idols? Verse 4.
Verse 4. Was Cain’s offering -- Cain’s act -- COMMENT: Even back then, long BE-
ACCEPTABLE to YEHOVAH God? Verse 5 FORE Moses, it was a SIN to WORSHIP these
and I John 3:12. idols they possessed!
5. If one does well -- does the things
YEHOVAH God wishes -- aren’t his deeds The Third and Fourth Commandments
acceptable to YEHOVAH God? Genesis 4:7, Broken
first nine words. But if one does that which is
NOT ACCEPTABLE to YEHOVAH God, what 1. What is the THIRD commandment?
“lies” at his door -- SIN? Same verse. Exodus 20:7.
6. Did Cain MURDER Abel out of COMMENT: To take YEHOVAH’s
jealousy? Verse 8. Did YEHOVAH therefore name IN VAIN IS profanity. It is PROFANING
punish Cain? Verses 9-12. the name of YEHOVAH God.
COMMENT: Murder was a sin FROM 2. Did YEHOVAH God tell Moses and
THE VERY BEGINNING! And when YEHO- the rest of the Israelites that the heathen who
VAH asked Cain, “Where is Abel thy brother?” possessed the promised land in generations
Cain replied, “I know not" (Verse 9). But Cain PREVIOUS to Moses’ time had been doing
DID KNOW. He knew his brother was dead. MANY ABOMINATIONS? Leviticus 18:1, 27.
Therefore he LIED and broke another What was one of these abominations? Verse 21,
commandment. That, too, was SIN! last half. Did YEHOVAH God say these
Cain broke the SIXTH and NINTH heathen nations had DEFILED themselves and
commandments. EVERY ONE OF these com- the land because of such abominations? Verses
mandments was known from creation because 24 and 27. Then taking the name of YEHOVAH
YEHOVAH God had REVEALED THEM TO God in vain was a sin at that time, wasn’t it?
ADAM. He thus revealed them to mankind at COMMENT: The third commandment
that time. But humanity as a whole has of the law was being violated here. Therefore,
REJECTED them ever since! profanity -- taking the name of YEHOVAH God
7. Was literal idolatry committed in vain -- was a SIN BEFORE MOSES’ TIME!
BEFORE the time of Abraham? Joshua 24:2. 3. What is the FOURTH commandment?
COMMENT: Here were people before Exodus 20:8-11. Is it the day on which everyone
Abraham’s time -- LONG BEFORE MOSES’ should REST from all his labors? Verse 10. Did
TIME -- worshiping idols, committing a SIN -- a YEHOVAH God REST on that day after He had
transgression of YEHOVAH’s LAW. No finished creating the earth and all life upon it?
wonder we are told in the Bible that “death” -- Genesis 2:2.
the PENALTY OF SIN -- “REIGNED FROM 4. Did YEHOVAH tell Moses to have all

Is Obediance to the 10 Commandments Required for Salvation?
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