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Lesson 30 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course 7

notes: Write down neatly (or print) the title of GOD THINKS about sin!
this lesson. Underneath that write down the 1. What is YEHOVAH’s definition of
lesson number. As you come to each question SIN? Is it the TRANSGRESSION of the LAW?
section, write down its heading. Then, at the I John 3:4.
left-hand margin of your paper, number each 2. IS YEHOVAH’S law being spoken of
question and write down the scriptural answer to in the previous scripture? -- didn’t Paul state that
each, together with any pertinent ideas that come the LAW says, “Thou shalt not covet”? Romans
to your mind. 7:7.
Be SURE to WRITE OUT the scripture COMMENT: The LAW that said,
which answers each question. If you have not “Thou shalt not covet,” TAUGHT the apostle
done so before, BEGIN TO DO IT NOW! Paul what constitutes sin. And one cardinal point
Writing down every word of each Bible passage, of that law is the TENTH COMMANDMENT!
and any comments you wish to make as you go (Exodus 20:17.)
along, will help you greatly in REVIEWING and So the law against coveting is ONE of
This lesson, like all others, is extremely HOVAH God reveals that the VIOLATION of
important to you. Have you PRAYED to His commandments and their principles con-
YEHOVAH God for understanding? If not, then stitutes SIN!
go to a private place, kneel down, and ask 3. Does sin -- the VIOLATION of the
YEHOVAH for SPIRITUAL UNDERSTAND- Ten Commandments and their principles -- work
ING and wisdom. Ask Him to HELP you grasp AGAINST our own best interests? Romans
and apply in your own life the knowledge this 6:23.
lesson will reveal to you in the Bible. COMMENT: “The WAGES of sin” --
And now for the lesson itself! the “reward” YOU EARN by sinning against
YEHOVAH’s law -- the thing you BRING upon
Lesson 30 yourself -- is DEATH! A shorter and unhappier
What Sin Is life here, and ETERNAL OBLIVION in the
hereafter -- unless you REPENT of all your sins,
People have numerous ideas about what have them WIPED AWAY by the Messiah’s
constitutes “sin.” Many think that sin is blood and begin OBEYING YEHOVAH
something to be DESIRED. To illustrate, several GOD’S COMMANDMENTS!
years ago in Hollywood -- the movie capital of
America -- there was sold in newsstands a book Way to Happiness Must Be REVEALED!
titled How to Sin in Hollywood. Visitors from
all over the world who came to Hollywood You want to be HAPPY above all things,
would buy that book. don’t you? Everyone does!
Actually, the book was quite harmless, You would like to lead a life that is just
merely giving names of restaurants and similar full and abundant and INTERESTING -- as a
places. Most of them were eating places matter of fact, a little bit exciting all the way
WITHOUT any entertainment. along, wouldn’t you? And you want a life where
But the point is that sin always SEEMS everything is pleasant, where there is no pain or
to be the “forbidden fruit" that is most glamorous suffering.
and that would be most desirable if some unfair You don’t want a life of boredom. You
God had NOT denied it to us. That seems to be don’t want a life of sorrow. You want a HAPPY
what human beings think of sin. life, and you would love to feel well, jolly and
But that ISN’T WHAT YEHOVAH joyful -- happy all the time.

Is Obediance to the 10 Commandments Required for Salvation?
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