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12 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course Lesson 3

Churches? See comment for the answer. What About You?
COMMENT: Webster, in Rest Days, p.
306 writes, “...The feast of All Souls Will you be a partaker of YEHOVAH’s
[Hallowe’en] in November is a continuation of plagues upon modern Babylon? (Revelation
an old heathen feast of the dead; and that the 18:4.) Are you still partaking of her sins --
Nativity of Christ himself was assigned to the compromising by keeping this world’s holidays?
winter solstice in December because that day Does it make a difference? Does it really
was deemed the Nativity of the Sun....Many of matter what days you observe? It certainly does!
the holy days in the religious calendar of It makes ALL the difference in the world
Christendom were BORROWED, as is well -- to YEHOVAH GOD! And He is the one who
known, FROM THE FESTIVALS OF ancient will JUDGE us and reward us according to our
PAGANISM." “works”!
The holidays of this world are What about it? What about you? What
inseparably linked to the worship of Nimrod -- days are you going to observe, and keep? What
and Nimrod worship to SUNDAY OB- CHOICE will you make?
SERVANCE. And all have been inspired by YEHOVAH God has put the decision to
Satan the Devil! you, just as He did to Israel in the days of Elijah.
All these doctrines are espoused and “How long halt ye between two opinions? If the
promulgated by the Roman Catholic Church and Lord be God, follow Him: but if Baal, then
her “protestant” daughter churches! follow him" (I Kings 18:21). The answer is up to
YEHOVAH God plainly shows that you!
anyone who accepts and observes these pagan
holidays has linked himself to Satan’s Additional Reading Material
Babylonish system, and has accepted its
“MARK”! A New Look at Easter

Punishment for Compromise! Is Easter Still Pagan?

1. What does YEHOVAH God say will Mysteries of Hallowe’en -- Should You
befall those who follow the way of Babylon and Keep It?
worship according to this ancient pagan mystery
system? Revelation 18:1-8. Let’s Pull the Mask from Hallowe’en
2. Who is her Judge? Verse 8. Will she
receive double punishment for her iniquities -- In Search of Christmas
the doctrines of lawlessness -- she has
committed? Verses 5-6. Is Christmas Really “Christian”?
3. What is YEHOVAH’s command to
those who have not yet forsaken her pagan Books That Deal with These Subjects
ways? Verse 4.
4. Will the apostles who fought her The Two Babylons, by Alexander Hislop
pernicious lies and the prophets who lamented
her wicked sins, rejoice when this mother of Babylon Mystery Religion, by Ralph
paganism is destroyed? Verse 20. Woodrow

See page 2 for mailing address

The Pagan Origins of Easter and Halloween
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