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12 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course Lesson 10

ONE, and John acknowledged that the TRUE accused them of “changing times and laws.” The
Passover was not yet come. account of this persecution, and its reason,
3. Read John 13:26-29. What did some would SURELY have been recorded in the pages
of the disciples think the Messiah told Judas? of the New Testament, as well as in Jewish
Verse 29. literature, the Talmud, and other historical
COMMENT: If this was the Passover documents. Yet there is NOT ONE WORD in
meal -- as many contend -- then it is very strange the entire New Testament, nor is there a single
that the disciples would have assumed Judas was word about such a controversy in all the Jewish
leaving the Passover celebration, before it was religious literature, or historic documents such
finished, in order to GO SHOPPING FOR as Josephus’ Antiquities of the Jews. There is
GROCERIES! No one in their right mind would only massive, incredible SILENCE! For more
have even considered leaving the Passover in information on this write for the article, A Nisan
order to go grocery shopping -- certainly NOT 14 “Passover” -- Fact -- or Fallacy?
the disciples of Yeshua who were observant
Judeans who obeyed YEHOVAH God’s Laws! The Messiah Commands Foot-Washing
This passage PROVES that the disciples
knew that the meal was NOT the “Passover” but While the Messiah and his disciples were
that the Passover was still a day away. partaking of their last meal together on the
4. Now read I Corinthians 5:7. What evening before his crucifixion on Nisan 14,
does it say the Messiah is? Yeshua gave some very definite and SPECIFIC
COMMENT: Nisan 14 was the day the COMMANDS for his New Testament Church to
leavening was removed from homes, and the day observe during the weekly Kiddush.
the Passover lambs were slain in the Temple. In giving us the account of the last meal
The lambs were slain in the late afternoon -- at between Yeshua and his disciples, Matthew,
the very SAME TIME that Yeshua expired on Mark and Luke describe the NEW MEANING
the tree! Therefore, Yeshua PERFECTLY he attaches to the OLD symbols of leavened
fulfilled the typology of the “Passover bread and wine used during the Kiddush. But
sacrifice.” John alone relates ANOTHER VITAL PART of
Now consider this: IF the true Passover this New Testament ordinance.
was celebrated the night before (on the 1. Did Yeshua wash his disciples feet at
beginning of Nisan 14), then the Passover lambs the time of this last meal? John 13:1-5. Note, in
had to be slain also the night before according to verse 2, that the words “and supper being ended”
those who believe the lambs were sacrificed should properly be rendered “And supper
during the twilight period from when the sun ABOUT to be served.” The Greek word for
goes down over the horizon and when the new “ended” here is #1096 in Strong’s Concordance
day commences. and is ginomai -- which means “to be made,” “to
If Yeshua was the true Passover lamb (as become,” “to happen,” “be brought to pass,” “be
indicated in I Corinthians 5:7), he would have performed,” etc. In a FUTURE sense. This
had to be slain the night before according to this foot-washing was done when the supper was
scenario. “ABOUT TO BE SERVED.” It was NOT done
But if the Messiah had changed the time during or after supper! The reason for this will
of the observance of the Passover, and the day of soon become obvious.
the Passover celebration, meal and rituals, then COMMENT: Notice that this ceremony
the Judeans (the scribes, Pharisees and of washing the disciples’ feet was not part of the
Sadducees) would have BITTERLY persecuted Old Testament observance of the Passover or the
both the Messiah and his disciples for this, and weekly Kiddush, although the Messiah was

The Passover -- Yeshua’s Sacrifice Begins YEHOVAH’s Master Plan
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