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Lesson 10 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course 15

AND THE WORLD -- “YE also ought to wash for our article, Have We Been Neglecting the
one another’s feet” (verse 14). The New Sacred Fellowship Meal?
Testament shows that they and the other apostles Was the “artos” or leavened bread to
and disciples of the Messiah did SERVE in the represent SYMBOLICALLY the Messiah’s
Messiah’s steps. And most of the original body which was to be brutally struck and cut
apostles did also GIVE their lives while open for mankind? Luke 22:19.
preaching the gospel of the Kingdom of YE- COMMENT: Yeshua was using
HOVAH God! LEAVENED BREAD since the Passover had
2. Did Yeshua plainly COMMAND his not yet arrived. However, during Passover itself
disciples to wash each other’s feet? John UNLEAVENED BREAD was used because the
13:14-15. Were they to teach the world to do Old Testament Passover was always eaten with
likewise? Matthew 28:19-20. unleavened bread (Exodus 12:8). This bread,
COMMENT: Many today do not want eaten during the Old Testament Passover, was
to HUMILIATE themselves by washing the feet baked so that it was pierced and striped, with
of their church brethren. Some argue that brown spots resembling bruises, caused by the
Yeshua commanded only his disciples to wash baking process. Even so, Yeshua our High Priest
one another’s feet. But the Messiah clearly and Elder Brother, when he gave himself for our
shows that it is a COMMAND for all people “all sins, was beaten with whips -- with stripes and
nations"! gashes all over his body. On top of all that, he
3. Are those who OBEY the Messiah’s was brutally STONED by passers-by as he hung
words by partaking of this meaningful ceremony on the tree on the Mount of Olives, his body
promised a special BLESSING? John 13:17 and bruised and pierced as a result.
14:23. 3. Read Isaiah’s prophecy of him in
Be sure to write for our article, Isaiah 53:4-12.
Foot-Washing and YEHOVAH’s Church! For COMMENT: What incomparable, rich
more details. symbolism! Before the Passover service, or
seder, what is known as the Aphikoman is
The Symbol of the Bread broken -- which is a very special matzoh or
unleavened bread. THREE matzohs are placed
Let’s notice now what ELSE Yeshua and kept in a matzoh napkin. A traditional
commanded all Christians to do after he finished Jewish explanation for these three matzohs is
washing his disciples’ feet. that they represent YEHOVAH GOD
1. Did Yeshua institute the New (HaShem), the HIGH PRIEST (HaKohen) and
Testament Kiddush symbols of leavened the PEOPLE (haAm). As Christians or believers
BREAD and WINE? Luke 22:17-20 and in the Messiah, we know that the MIDDLE
Matthew 26:26-29. matzoh therefore REPRESENTS YESHUA
COMMENT: The bread mentioned in THE MESSIAH -- our High Priest.
these verses is translated from the Greek word 4. Read Hebrews 8:1-2.
“artos” meaning LEAVENED BREAD, COMMENT: As followers of the
therefore the “last supper” was just that -- a last Messiah we know that Yeshua is our High Priest
meal with his disciples BEFORE the Passover -- which Paul stresses here.
commenced. What the Messiah was introducing 5. Now read Hebrews 7:24-28.
here was NOT the New Testament Passover COMMENT: YEHOVAH God foretold
symbols but the symbols of the KIDDUSH or of the Messiah that he would be “a priest forever,
ceremony to introduce the Sabbath and Holy in the order of Melchizedek.” Verse 27.
Days. For a further detailed explanation, write 6. The apostle Peter wrote of the Messiah

The Passover -- Yeshua’s Sacrifice Begins YEHOVAH’s Master PLan
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