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The Virgin Birth and the Messiah                                                          13

                birth", cru cial to prov ing "Je sus" is the "Christ".  Such be liefs il lu mi nate how suc cess ful Sa tan has
                been in per suad ing many that their be liefs are Bib li cal, while they are ac tu ally very UNbiblical.
                Tragically, since the Scrip tural study hab its of Chris tians are so woe fully poor, they are eas ily vic -
                tim ized by the Beastly sys tem that de ceives the en tire world (Rev. 12:9).

                       So, if you as sume that the ob jec tive of this ar ti cle is to op pose the Mes siah, you are mis -
                taken.  Our ob jec tive is to ex alt the TRUE Mes siah Yeshua and to hope fully be gin to shake main -
                stream Chris tians  and coun ter feit  Messianics from their stu por  of spir i tual  drunk en ness  and
                vic tim iza tion caused by the ig no rance, or in ten tional lies, of their spir i tual lead ers -- some of whom
                may ac tu ally be among Sa tan's ser vants "dis guised as an gels of light" (2 Cor. 11:13-15).

                       Sa tan hopes to con tinue to pres ent a "Christ" that knowl edge able Jews can NEVER ac cept,
                be cause he knows if they fi nally do ac cept Yeshua, he is doomed!  A ma jor ob sta cle to the ac cep -
                tance of Yeshua as the Mes siah by the Jews is the pa gan doc trine of godly pro cre ation pro moted by
                the vir gin birth teach ing.

                       We will prove that IF Yeshua did not have an earthly fa ther, he is NOT the Scrip tural Mes -
                siah (anointed one) of the one and only Eter nal YEHOVAH God.  This is a fun da men tal fact of
                Scrip ture that fol low ers of, and pro mot ers of, the spirit of antichrist (re place ment Mes siah) hope
                you never dis cover.

                       The New Tes ta ment  teaches we should al ways  test what is taught us by ref er enc ing  the
                Tanakh (Old Tes ta ment).  In the book of Acts we read of a group of peo ple the au thor de scribes as
                "more no ble" than oth ers.

                       Now the peo ple here were of no bler char ac ter than the ones in Thessalonika; they ea gerly
                       wel comed the mes sage, check ing the Tanakh ev ery day to see if the things Sha’ul [Paul]
                       was say ing were true (Acts 17:11 Jew ish New Tes ta ment).

                       Note the rea son they were con sid ered no ble is be cause they were OPEN-MINDED and they
                searched the Scrip tures DAILY to prove if what they were be ing taught was true.  The "Scrip ture"
                they searched was the Old Tes ta ment.  The New Tes ta ment did not even ex ist at that time!  De spite
                this, most Chris tians NEVER test what they are taught, or in ter pret from their read ings of the New
                Tes ta ment, by see ing if it can be ver i fied in the Old.  In stead, most Chris tians blas phe mously con -
                clude the Old Tes ta ment is largely ir rel e vant.

                       Tra di tional Chris tians and coun ter feit Messianics (ver sus true mono the is tic Messianics that
                re fuse to honor the re place ment mys tery Bab y lon God-man Mes siah) the world over do not fol low
                the clear teach ing of the New Tes ta ment -- which DEMANDS all things must be ver i fied from the
                Old!  Chris tians and coun ter feit Messianics vi o late the very New Tes ta ment they cling to and shun
                and/or de spise those that can prove their un scrip tural un der stand ing that the New Tes ta ment is su -
                pe rior to -- or even equal to -- the Old Tes ta ment to be in cor rect.  The New Tes ta ment writ ings are
                not, never have been, and never will be, su pe rior to or equal to the Old!  The New Tes ta ment, it self,
                CLEARLY tes ti fies to this fact.

                The Berean Voice
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