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Sovereign Britain                                                                          9

                thor ity; whilst pur ported leg is la tion, stem ming in the main from the Eu ro pean Un ion agenda, is de -
                signed so as to give max i mum power to the state on all oc ca sions. Free dom sub ject to ca veat is not
                free dom at all.

                       Some politicians understand, in July 1970, in the Sunday Times, Lord Hailsham wrote:

                       “It is the par lia men tary ma jor ity that has the po ten tial for tyr anny. The thing that the courts
                       can not pro tect you against is par lia ment – the tra di tional pro tec tor of our lib er ties. But par -
                       lia ment is con stantly mak ing mis takes and could in the ory be come the most op pres sive in -
                       stru ment in the world”.

                       Winston Churchill had also seen the dangers:

                       “We are with Eu rope, but not of it. We are linked, but not com bined. We are in ter ested and
                       as so ci ated, but not ab sorbed. And should Eu ro pean states men ad dress us in the words which
                       were used of old: ‘Shall I speak for thee to the King?’, we should re ply with the words of the
                       Shunamite woman: ‘Nay sir, for we dwell among our own peo ple”.

                       Where suc ces sive Brit ish gov ern ments have failed to do their duty un der the con sti tu tion,
                and whilst Brit ish rights and val ues have been treated with con tempt, The Magna Carta So ci ety has
                ac cepted re spon si bil ity for Con sti tu tional ed u ca tion and for en light en ing the Brit ish peo ple as to the
                free dom gov ern ments try to sup press. Our of fi cers and re search ex perts are avail able to help cam -
                paign ers – both in di vid ual and col lec tive – in the strug gle for truth and jus tice un der the law.

                                                          -- Cour tesy of The Magna Carta So ci ety

                                                      The time has come to ex pose the grow ing world wide re -
                                                      li gion of Is lam.

                                                      Many are un aware of what Is lam re ally stands for. Cer -
                                                      tain well known Mus lim lead ers are la beled as “ex trem -
                                                      ist” be cause they want to ex port Is lam by force, an or der
                                                      the ex e cu tion of those who dis agree with them. The fact
                                                      is, these lead ers are just con ser va tive Mus lims who want
                                                      noth ing  more than to fol low  the teach ings  of their
                                                      prophet Muhammed. Many are not even aware of what
                                                      some of these teach ings are.

                                                       This sim ple,  easy to un der stand  book re veals  Is lamic
                                                      teach ings  us ing  in ten si fied,  sci en tific  re search,  and is
                                                      filled with quotes from au thor i ta tive  an cient  and con -
                                                      tem po rary Mus lim schol ars.

                                                      Be hind  the Veil: Un masking Is lam. $12.00 post age
                                                      paid from: Hope of Is rael Min is tries.

                The Berean Voice
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