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10                                                         The Virgin Birth and the Messiah

                         The Virgin Birth and the


                              The apos tle Paul does not men tion the vir gin birth any where in his
                              writ ings. It would seem rea son able to as sume that if Paul had known
                              of the al leged spe cial con di tions of the Mes siah’s birth that he would
                              have men tioned them in one of his epis tles. How ever, the op po site
                              ap pears to be true! He con sid ers Yeshua’s birth to have been nat u ral
                              and con ven tional -- with no sign of a vir gin birth! The bot tom line is:
                              The “vir gin birth” story found in main stream Chris tian ity is de rived
                              from the many fa bles  found in the re li gions  of pa gan  peo ples  that
                              shared the world of early Chris tian ity!

                T   his ar ti cle delves into an is sue of im mea sur able im por tance.  In our opin ion it is a "show stop -

                    per" with re gard to the is sue of whether or not Yeshua (Je sus) is the BIBLICAL Mes siah.  It
                    also rep re sents one of the clear est ex am ples of ig no rance and/or de cep tion that ex ists in tra di -
                tional Chris tian ity and coun ter feit Messianism.

                       Main stream Chris tians en joy the thought of "baby Je sus" in the con text of the "vir gin birth".
                It ap peals to the "mother" in all of us.  Chris tians want to be lieve the "vir gin birth" ac count be cause
                it seems such a beau ti ful story!  The de sire to be lieve some thing is a pow er ful emo tion to over come,
                and this de sire is a pri mary rea son why many re fuse to con sider that the al leged birth ac counts of the
                Mes siah may be cor rupted.

                       "Sugar and spice and ev ery thing nice" dances in the minds of most Chris tians dur ing Christ -
                mas time (an un de ni ably pa gan hol i day).  They en joy think ing about the sweet and emo tional sce -
                nario of the "vir gin Mary" with the cute lit tle baby “Je sus” in her arms -- or asleep in the man ger.
                Most Chris tians don't con sider the fact they are ac tu ally pro mot ing "baby God" in the arms of Mary
                -- a thought that is re pul sive  to those of us that truly re vere  the Al mighty,  in fi nite  Cre ator
                YEHOVAH God, or that have knowl edge of the foun da tional He braic truths of Scrip ture.  Any one
                that doubts the ex treme emo tion al ism in her ent in the "vir gin birth" story need only view the hor ren -
                dous idol a try of "the blessed vir gin" that ex ist within the Ro man Cath o lic church, which has cre ated
                an en tire set of "Mar ian dog mas" sur round ing the "vir gin birth" story.

                       Most main stream Chris tians con sider the vir gin birth to be heart warm ing, sweet and beau ti -
                ful. Er ror -- par tic u larly er ror that blas phe mously low ers the Cre ator into be ing a help less lit tle baby
                (or even an adult hu man be ing) at the mercy of all around him and that de fines a re place ment, false
                Mes siah -- is NOT the least bit "sweet," "beau ti ful," or "heart warm ing".

                       There is an "all or noth ing" mind set within tra di tional Chris tian ity.  It seems that tra di tional
                Chris tian ity is a "bi nary" re li gion -- a re li gion that is 1 or 0, "yes" or "no", "grace" or "works",

                                                                                           The Berean Voice
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