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16                                                         The Virgin Birth and the Messiah

                       There is a sep a rate He brew word, betulah, (Strong's #1330) that is used far more of ten to
                rep re sent a true vir gin (sex u ally pure) fe male.  It is used 50 or so times in the Tanakh (Old Tes ta -
                ment), com pared to 9 or so for al mah.  Strong's Ex haus tive Con cor dance shows ONLY one clear
                trans la tion for the He brew term, betulah.  That trans la tion is VIRGIN!  Con trast this with the var i -
                ous al ter nate pos si ble ren der ings for the word, al mah, which tra di tional Chris tians and coun ter feit
                Messianics de mand must be trans lated as "vir gin".

                       So, betulah, NOT al mah, is clearly THE He brew word for "vir gin".  Isa iah was well aware
                of this and would have used betulah if he meant to im ply a pure vir gin was go ing to mi rac u lously
                con ceive!  Constantinian Chris tian and Mes si anic theo lo gians are also well aware of this but, as
                usual, twist the truth to fit their ob jec tives.

                       Later we will ad dress the weak ar gu ment made us ing the Sep tu a gint Greek trans la tion of the
                He brew Scrip tures.  The use of such weak ar gu ments is com mon within tra di tional Chris tian  and
                coun ter feit Mes si anic groups.

                       It is true that in rare sit u a tions the He brew word al mah may pos si bly be used to re fer to a vir -
                gin; HOWEVER, even if it was in dis put ably the word for vir gin it still proves noth ing.  As al ready
                men tioned, the word games played by des per ate and de ceit ful Trin i tar i ans and oth ers seek ing to
                pro mote the lie of pa gan godly pro cre ation is noth ing more than chaff thrown up to con fuse and de -
                ceive.  THE is sue is NOT the trans la tion of the He brew Word, al mah.  THE is sue is the con text of
                the pas sages in which Isa iah 7:14 is firmly and ir re fut ably placed!

                       For proof, we will do what few Chris tian or Mes si anic lead ers do, we will pres ent the ac tual
                con text of the verse and high light cru cial ar eas.  This will prove that the use of Isa iah 7:14 as a Mes -
                si anic pas sage is a prime ex am ple of dis tor tion and con text shred ding of Scrip ture.  We will even
                use the King James Ver sion, the fa vor ite of those op pos ing us within tra di tional Chris tian ity.  Our
                proof is even more pro nounced if other ver sions are used; how ever, to pre clude the ac cu sa tion of
                us ing a bi ased ver sion, we will use the trans la tion most adored by those be liev ing Yeshua to be
                God.  As you will see, even the KJV proves the tra di tional in ter pre ta tion of Isa iah 7:14 wrong to all
                that are sin cere and open minded to YEHOVAH God's Truth in stead of in bond age to tra di tion.

                       1 And it came to pass in the days of Ahaz the son of Jotham, the son of Uzziah, king of Ju -
                       dah, that Rezin the king of Syria, and Pekah the son of Remaliah, king of Is rael, went up to -
                       ward Je ru sa lem to war against it, but could not pre vail against it.

                       2  And it was told the house of Da vid  (king Ahaz), say ing,  Syria is con fed er ate  with
                       Ephraim. And his heart was moved, and the heart of his peo ple, as the trees of the wood are
                       moved with the wind. (Ahaz and the peo ple of Ju dah were ter ri fied of the de feat they
                       ex pected from the united ef forts of Syria and the north ern King dom, Is rael)

                       3 Then said the LORD unto Isa iah, Go forth now to meet Ahaz, (Isa iah sent to talk to
                       Ahaz) thou, and Shearjashub (lit. "a rem nant shall re turn") thy son, at the end of the con -
                       duit of the up per pool in the high way of the fuller's field;

                                                                                           The Berean Voice
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