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4 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course Test 10

in, be filled with and enjoy HERE AND NOW, Thus He guides His begotten sons in
even in this temporary life! Every good thing specific incidents, problems, and experiences.
COMES FROM YEHOVAH GOD! He actually works out circumstances in our be-
Even now, in this frail human life, we half. He gives us, when we ask Him, grace and
may receive from Him guidance and wisdom, favor in the eyes of those with whom we must
protection from physical harm, healing when ill, deal in the world -- causing even our enemies to
peace of mind, deliverance from trouble, and all be at peace with us. He delivers us from trials,
the attributes of His character -- His divine, temptations and troubles. He heals us when sick.
FAITH, PATIENCE, ASSURANCE, GOOD- He sets an angel to guard and protect us from
NESS, POWER to overcome. physical harm. He prospers those who rely on
From Him, and from Him alone, we may Him and obey Him.
drink in real happiness and joy! From Him we Every good thing comes from Him. He
may receive the knowledge of the TRUE richly lavishes upon us His grace, blesses us with
VALUES -- we may know the PURPOSE of life every spiritual blessing within the heavenly
-- the WAY to every good thing. We may receive sphere!
every good and perfect gift that comes down Think of all the blessings for here and
from above! now! Think of the ABUNDANT LIVING He
All this we may freely have -- according bestows on His obedient and trusting sons!
as we YIELD our wills to Him and to His will as Think of the indescribable GLORY and
He reveals it in His Word -- according as we POWER, together with eternal joyful life, we
yield to harmonious contact and relationship may inherit in the World Tomorrow -- for all
with Him! eternity!
It is a personal, intimate relationship. It is Now what would be the worst, the most
a perfect father-and-son relationship, such as we terrible sin one could possibly commit? I think it
seldom experience in our carnality with our is self-evident. It is to have another god before
human fathers. The carnal-minded son may the true living GOD!
within his nature harbor an innate spirit of Whatever occupies your interest more
antagonism toward his human father. But the than YEHOVAH God and His Word is the idol
very conversion which establishes the father- you are putting before Him. None can be truly
and-son relationship with the heavenly Father converted -- actually BEGOTTEN of YEHO-
surrenders totally and crushes out that hostile VAH God -- until whatever is his IDOL has been
attitude toward YEHOVAH God. We come to smashed, and torn root and branch from his
love and reverence and adore Him. affection and mind and heart.
But now consider what this contact with WHAT’S YOURS? What do you seek
the living God means. He is the Great GOD -- first -- pleasures, the television screen, your
Creator -- above all! He governs the universe. wife, husband, children? What is it that YOU
His power is supreme over all force and energy. JUST can’t GIVE UP? You’ll HAVE to give it
His knowledge is infinite, his wisdom perfect. up, you know -- or you ARE COMMITTING
Not only does He reveal to His begotten sons His THE MOST AWFUL SIN IT IS POSSIBLE TO
great PURPOSE and Plan, and His laws and COMMIT! It is the sin that shuts you off from
ways that lead to peace, happiness, prosperity, that personal CONTACT with YEHOVAH
and joy through His written Word (which only GOD!
the begotten spirit-led can understand) -- YEHOVAH tells us that His ear is not
through our worship and prayer contact He deaf that He cannot hear our petitions; His arm is
actually intervenes INDIVIDUALLY, on behalf not short that it cannot respond -- but OUR SINS
of each one PERSONALLY. have separated between Him and us, that He
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