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                language. This teaching of the ONE GOD can      Commandments in their full implications -- this
                not be reconciled with the doctrine of the Trin-  is TRUE religion!
                ity -- God as three persons, Father, Son, and
                Holy Spirit; nor with any doctrine which con-       This teaching about the ONE God is not
                fuses or equates the Messiah (Christ) with the  merely some technical doctrinal point. In the
                One God.                                        key quotation above, Isaiah speaks of knowing,
                                                                believing, and understanding just who God is
                     Ironically, the historical Jesus Christ, whom (43:10). Note these three verbs. This is a vital
                millions mistakenly uphold as the founder of    matter of personal faith and experience. To
                the Christian Church, PASSIONATELY AF- come before the One God, the Creator, the God
                FIRMED this revelation of the ONENESS of        of Israel, is very concrete and distinct experi-
                God without the slightest compromise. Notice ence. It involves the whole being -- mind as
                the following declarations --                   well as heart.

                     And a certain ruler questioned him saying,      The Awesome Name of God
                     "Good Rabbi, what shall I do to inherit
                     eternal life?" Yeshua (Christ) said to him,      Of the countless thousands of deities
                     "Why do you call me good? No one is good   throughout history, and the endless ideas differ-
                     except God alone. If you would enter into      ent people have about God, how can one speak
                     life, keep the Commandments" (Luke              of truly knowing the One true God? The term
                     18:18; cf. Matt. 19:17).                   God is used in so many ways. For most people
                                                                it is all somewhat vague and perplexing -- of-
                     [An expert in Torah asks Yeshua] "Rabbi,     ten a bit unreal. After all, can anyone really
                     what shall I do to inherit eternal life?" And    say they absolutely  know God? How can any-
                     Yeshua said to him, "What is written in the    one be sure?
                     Torah? How do you read it?" And he an-
                     swered and said, "Hear O Israel, YEHO-           It is certainly the case that we learn some-
                     VAH is our God! YEHOVAH is One!            thing about the awesome greatness and power
                     You shall love YEHOVAH your God with       of God by looking at our created universe, from
                     all your heart, and with all your soul, and       the vast billions of galaxies, to the absolutely
                     with all your mind; and your neighbor as        breathtaking complexity and wonder of organic
                     yourself." And Yeshua said to him, "You       life on our own planet, to our own internal ca-
                     have answered correctly; do this and you       pacity to know and feel and reason. It is amaz-
                     will live" (Luke 10:25-29; cf. Mark               ing that many in our enlightened 20th century
                     12:29-34).                                 lack a sense of absolute awe at Yehovah's
                                                                Creation. Because of a popular misunderstand-
                     These passages are quite extraordinary! In  ing of the theory of evolution they have naively
                both settings Yeshua is asked about "eternal    assumed that "science" has somehow explained
                life," or how one inherits what is called "the  it all on the basis of a reductionist, materialis-
                world to come." In both cases he emphasizes     tic, mechanistic, process which operates purely
                the essential affirmations of the Shema. It is by chance. Yet "nature," or the Creation,
                seldom noted or pointed out that even the re-   clearly points us to something beyond, to awe-
                sponse of Yeshua, "Do this and you will live,"  some forces beyond ourselves that appear to be
                is a  direct  quotation from the Old Testament purposeful and intelligent. Yet, from nature
                (Leviticus 18:5). To know God as One, to love   alone, we could never know God in the way the
                Him with one's whole being, and to follow the   Hebrew Bible speaks of this One who created

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