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P. 13

                          Knowing the True and

                                             Living God

                           Ultimately it is God Himself who calls us into an understanding of the true
                           faith, yet we are told, at the same time, to seek Him with all our heart and
                           soul. God must put within each of us a "new heart and a new spirit," while
                           at the same time we are told "make yourselves a new heart and a new
                           spirit" (compare Ezekiel 11:19 with 18:31). In some mysterious way, our
                           will works together with God's will for us, and those who are His re-
                           spond in kind. As Yeshua often said, "Let the one who has ears to hear,

                                                     James D. Tabor

                     I write this article with great feeling for our heart and soul. God must put within each of
                those who will have eyes to see, and ears to us a "new heart and a new spirit," while at the
                hear, and the inner spiritual motivation to actu-  same time we are told "make yourselves a new
                ally return to the true God, and to the original  heart and a new spirit" -- compare Ezekiel
                faith of the Bible. I realize these will be few. 11:19 with 18:31. In some mysterious way, our
                The pressures of tradition and the comfort with  will works together with God's will for us, and
                what one has always believed are too much for  those who are His respond in kind. As Jesus
                most. Others have been too burned out by chas-  said so often, "Let the one who has ears to
                ing down this or that claim to Biblical truth  hear, hear."
                over the years.
                                                                    The foundational pillar of Abrahamic faith
                    For one to make an honest and absolutely is to know the One true God. Our problem to-
                open commitment to "the truth, the whole truth,  day is that when we use the very word "God,"
                and nothing but the truth," is truly rare. Still,  or even bring up the concept of the Divine, we
                there are those who will be drawn to this an- invite endless confusion and controversy.
                cient Way, of that I am certain. And in being There are as many ideas and concepts of God
                drawn they will turn directly to God, not to as there are people who hold them. Who or
                any human being or organization. The re- what is God? Is God a force, a Cosmic Mind, a
                wards and satisfaction are great. It is like hav- metaphor for our inner selves, the Life Princi-
                ing a veil lifted from the eyes, which brings a  ple, the process of evolution?
                clarity of understanding and a renewed pur-
                pose in life (see Isaiah 25:6-7).                   Over the centuries humans have believed in
                                                               and served multiple  thousands of gods and
                     Ultimately it is God Himself who calls us  goddesses. I have before me the  Larouse
                into an understanding of the true faith, yet we  World Mythology, a lavishly illustrated 500
                are told, at the same time, to seek Him with all  page survey of the myths and beliefs about

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