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                these deities throughout history. It is over- with all its implications. Notice carefully the
                whelming just to thumb through this work and   following quotation from Isaiah where God
                begin to get some grasp of the scope of human  Himself speaks in the first person, addressing
                ideas about the divine.                        the nation of Israel. He makes this very point --

                     Yet the Bible speaks of ONE GOD, besides       "You are my witnesses," declares YEHO-
                Whom there is no other. In contrast to all other       VAH, "and My servant whom I have cho-
                deities, or claims about divinity, this One God       sen, in order that you may know and be-
                is called the true and living God (Jeremiah      lieve Me, and understand that I am He.
                10:10; Joshua 3:10; cf. 1 Thess. 1:9). The gods       Before Me there was no God formed, and
                and goddesses of all the nations of the world       there will be none after Me. I, even I, am
                are declared by the Hebrew prophets to be           YEHOVAH; and there is no Savior besides
                idols, empty vanity, and void of reality. To put       Me" (Isaiah 43:10).
                it in modern Freudian terms, they are illusions
                based on pure  imagination. They represent      This is an incredibly profound passage. It is
                nothing more than our need to project onto the  the absolute foundation of the faith, spoken by
                universe some system of meaning and explana- God Himself. Israel is to deeply absorb this
                tion. I maintain this claim about the One God is  vital notion of the Oneness of God, in order
                markedly different in this regard. It is not a  that she might declare it to the Gentile nations,
                matter of primitive ancient Hebrew chauvin-    "that men may know from the rising to the set-
                ism. It involves a profound revelation about the  ting of the sun, that there is no one besides Me,
                Creator, of whom and by whom are all things,   I am YEHOVAH and there is no other" (Isaiah
                the One who has acted in history and can per-  45:6).
                sonally encounter us individually and directly.
                                                                   In this section of Isaiah the same point is
                     The foundational confession of Biblical made repeatedly. Note carefully, how Isaiah
                faith is called the Shema. This "Great Confes-  records  God Himself declaring His unique-
                sion" is repeated by faithful Jews daily, but has  ness, without the slightest trace of ambiguity:
                been sorely neglected by Christians, even
                though Christ (Yeshua) declared it to be the        I am the first and I am the last, and there is
                absolute CORE of the true faith! It comes from       no God besides Me (44:6).
                the last sermon of Moses to ancient Israel:
                                                                    And you are My witnesses. Is there any
                     Hear (Shema), O Israel! YEHOVAH is our         God besides Me, or is there any other
                     God, YEHOVAH is One! And you shall             Rock? I know of none (44:8).
                     love YEHOVAH your God with all your
                     heart and with all your soul and with all             I, YEHOVAH, am the maker of all things,
                     your might. And these words, which I am            stretching out the heavens by Myself, and
                     commanding you today, shall be on your             spreading out the earth all alone (44:24).
                     heart (Deuteronomy 6:4-5).
                                                                    I am YEHOVAH, and there is no other; be
                     This is Abrahamic faith -- all else is com-       sides Me there is no God (45:5).
                mentary! And yet, few who claim to follow
                the Biblical revelation uphold even its basic      Millions of Christians are able to quickly
                affirmation. God chose the people of Israel to  run through these passages without absorbing
                witness to this central  pillar of Biblical faith, the impact and significance of this unequivocal

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