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Lesson 26 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course 11

1. Did YEHOVAH God promise and take of the waters of eternal life FREELY,
Abraham that ALL nations of the earth would be because YEHOVAH God has kept His promise,
blessed through his one “seed”? Genesis 12:3 and the promised Seed, the Messiah, has come.
and 22:18. Who is this “seed”? Galatians 3:8, What a glorious, matchless privilege to
16. be taken into the very Household of YEHOVAH
COMMENT: The word “seed” in God -- to be able to call the Eternal Creator our
Genesis 22:18 refers specifically to Abraham’s FATHER! For THROUGH THE MESSIAH,
ONE SEED, who is Yeshua the Messiah -- not to Abraham becomes our fleshly father, and
Abraham’s MULTIPLE “seed,” or REMAIN- YEHOVAH GOD becomes our spiritual Father.
DER of his blood offspring (Genesis 13:16 and We read in Galatians 3:7: “Know ye therefore
17:8). that they which are of FAITH, the same are the
2. Doesn’t Luke 3:23, 34 prove that CHILDREN OF ABRAHAM." That’s why
Yeshua was a BLOOD OFFSPRING -- a SEED Abraham is called the “father” of the faithful
-- of Abraham? (Romans 4:11) -- whether Jew (Judahite) or
3. HOW did Paul say that Gentiles could Gentile!
share in the promises made to Abraham? Again, in Romans 8:14-15: “For as
Galatians 3:28-29. many as are led by the spirit of God, they are the
COMMENT: Unless a Gentile (whether SONS OF GOD...Whereby we cry, Abba
Israelite or non-Israelite) becomes a Father." Yes, now SPIRIT-BEGOTTEN sons
SPIRITUAL Israelite through the Messiah, he who shall become BORN SONS at the time of
has ABSOLUTELY NO HOPE of becoming an the resurrection -- to become INHERITORS of
HEIR to the SPIRITUAL promises made to the Kingdom of YEHOVAH God!
Abraham! This is made possible only through The Kingdom of YEHOVAH God is the
becoming “the Messiah’s” -- by becoming a FAMILY of YEHOVAH -- the GOD FAMILY!
4. What did Paul say the CONVERTED SHIP! This glorified INHERITANCE surpasses
Ephesian Gentiles used to be IN TIMES PAST? anything you have ever conceived of in your
Ephesians 2:11-12. mind!
COMMENT: This doesn’t sound like But what is the difference between
Christianity is a GENTILE religion. THIS inheriting the EARTH and the KINGDOM of
doesn’t sound like the NEW Covenant is a YEHOVAH God -- WHERE shall we inherit the
GENTILE covenant! WHILE these particular Kingdom? Let’s study further and see.
Ephesians Paul was here talking to were Gentiles
in the FLESH, they had become SPIRITUAL NO MAN Has Ascended to Heaven -- Except
Israelites THROUGH the Messiah. But they the Messiah
were “STRANGERS from the covenants of
promise; having NO HOPE, AND WITHOUT We have clearly seen, from the Bible,
GOD in the world," BEFORE conversion! that the EARTH IS THE INHERITANCE OF
5. But NOW, through the Messiah, are THE SAVED -- NOT heaven. But where does
they made near? Ephesians 2:13. Are they the Bible specifically SAY we DO NOT go to
strangers and foreigners any more? Verse 19. heaven?
Are they fellow citizens with the saints, and of 1. Did Yeshua dogmatically state that
the SPIRITUAL Household of YEHOVAH NO ONE, beside himself, has ever ascended up
God? Same verse. to heaven? John 13:33.
COMMENT: And so today, WHOSO- COMMENT: The Bible plainly states
EVER WILL from EVERY nation, may come that NO MAN has ever ASCENDED UP into the

Is Heaven the Reward of the Saved?
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