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10 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course Lesson 26

Because Abraham was FAITHFUL -- this incredible topic!
full of faith -- the Bible refers to Abraham as the Jacob -- whose name was later changed
symbolic “father” of ALL who are full of faith in to ISRAEL -- had twelve children. Each gave
this same sense. rise to one of the twelve tribes of ISRAEL --
4. But AFTER Abraham HAD obeyed -- known collectively as the CHILDREN OF
HAD been put to the test and found faithful -- ISRAEL, or ISRAELITES. One of these tribes
were there any OTHER CONDITIONS to the originated from the brother JUDAH -- known
promise? Genesis 22:15-18. Underline heavily correctly as “Judahites.” The term “Jew” (that is
in your Bible the words, “BECAUSE thou hast used today) describes a mixed people of whom
DONE this thing,” in verse 16, and the words, only a relatively small percentage are descended
“BECAUSE thou hast OBEYED MY VOICE,” from Judah. All people of the earth who have not
in verse 18. descended from Abraham, are called Gentiles by
COMMENT: Now the PROMISE the Bible. However, we must be careful here --
WAS UNCONDITIONAL. Abraham already the 10 Lost Tribes of Israel are also referred to as
HAD PERFORMED HIS PART of the “Gentiles.” (Read our article, New Testament
COVENANT -- this agreement. Gentiles and the House of Israel).
5. What other scripture shows us this 8. The promises were made, as we have
promise is now ABSOLUTELY SURE? -- did seen, to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Jacob’s
Abraham faithfully obey YEHOVAH God in CHILDREN. Jacob’s children are ISRAEL-
EVERY WAY? Genesis 26:5. ITES, not Gentiles -- except under circum-
COMMENT: It should be remembered stances found in the New Testament. There is a
that YEHOVAH’s law -- YEHOVAH’s com- mistaken idea, today, that Christianity is a
mandments -- have been in effect from the very GENTILE religion. But through whom does the
time of creation. “Sin is the transgression of the Messiah plainly say salvation is? John 4:22.
law” (I John 3:4). The same fundamental, And what does Paul say about this? Romans
eternal SPIRITUAL LAWS that Adam trans- 2:10.
gressed when he sinned are the SAME laws and COMMENT: The SCEPTRE promise,
commandments Abraham obeyed and kept -- through which the Messiah and salvation were
long before the sacrifices and rituals of Moses promised, went specifically to the house of
were instituted. Judah, whose people correctly called JUDAH-
6. Were these SAME promises passed on ITES. The Bible reveals that the COVENANTS
down to Isaac, Abraham’s son? Genesis 26:1-4. and the PROMISES pertained to all of ISRAEL.
Why? Verse 5. Were ALL nations to be blessed So we read in Romans 9:4: “Who are
through Isaac, as they were through Abraham? ISRAELITES; TO WHOM pertaineth the
Verse 4. adoption and the glory, and the covenants, and
7. Were these SAME PROMISES then the giving of the law, and the service of God,
passed down to Jacob, Isaac’s son? Genesis AND THE PROMISES.
35:9-12. Note verse 11, then read comment
below. Christians Are HEIRS to the Promises
COMMENT: The explanation of verse
11 is this: the UNITED STATES is the “nation” Since these promises were made
referred to here, and the BRITISH specifically to Abraham and his descendants
COMMONWEALTH is the “company of mentioned above, how can ALL nations also be
nations.” Write for our articles Where Did the BLESSED through these promises? Let’s
Twelve Apostles Go? and Who Are the understand.
Present-Day Scots Anyway? to help understand

Is Heaven the Reward of the Saved?
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