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Lesson 24 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course 17

your Bible! within himself.
1. IF the Messiah had not risen from the 6. Job once asked the question, “If a man
dead, would our faith be all in vain? I die, shall he live again?" (Job 14:14.) What was
Corinthians 15:14. Why? Verse 17. And what Job’s answer to his own question? Same verse.
has happened to those who already are dead in 7. Did Job speak of a CHANGE that was
their graves, if the Messiah is STILL dead? yet coming? What was that change? I
Verse 18. Have they PERISHED forever? Corinthians 15:51-53. When will it take place?
2. However, did the Messiah himself 8. When that change comes, what will
warn that the unregenerate, or unrepentant, man Job, David and all those in the resurrection be
is to perish? John 3:16 and Luke 13:3, 5. If man like? Psalm 17:15. Will we be like YEHOVAH
were an immortal soul, could he actually perish? God in the resurrection? Is YEHOVAH spirit?
-- or would he still keep on living? Isn’t it plain Are we to be composed of spirit then? I
that the word “perish” means to CEASE Corinthians 15:44. Compare this with I John
LIVING? 3:2-3. Are we to be like the Messiah? Is the
3. Notice the example of Adam. Was he Messiah now composed of spirit? II
permitted to eat the fruit of the “tree of [eternal] Corinthians 3:17.
life” after he sinned? Genesis 3:22-24, 9. At the resurrection, who will HEAR
especially last part of verse 22. the voice of the Son of YEHOVAH God? John
4. Would Adam and Eve have naturally 5:25. Are immortal souls going to hear it, or are
lived forever as immortal souls, or would eternal the DEAD going to hear?
life have come as a consequence of partaking of COMMENT: The dead cannot hear
something NOT INHERENT in themselves? unless there is a RESURRECTION! The dead
Genesis 3:22. are pictured as being ASLEEP IN THEIR
5. How did the Devil deceive Eve? GRAVES, awaiting the day of the resurrection.
Genesis 3:4. Isn’t this the same lie which is Notice Yeshua’s words when describing the
being preached today as the doctrine of the death of Lazarus, the brother of Mary and
immortality of the soul -- saying man already has Martha: “ ‘OUR FRIEND LAZARUS SLEEPS,
eternal life inherent within himself? Then is the but I go that I may WAKE HIM UP.’ Then his
Devil actually the originator of this false disciples said, ‘Lord, if he sleeps, he will get
doctrine? well.’ However JESUS SPOKE OF HIS
COMMENT: The “tree of life” DEATH, but they thought that he was speaking
symbolized the way to eternal life -- the Holy about taking rest in sleep. Then Jesus said to
Spirit. If Adam would have eaten of -- partaken them plainly, ‘Lazarus is dead’ “ (John
of -- the fruit of that tree, rather than of the 11:11-14).
forbidden tree, he would have received the holy Death is described as a sleep because
spirit which is the very life force of YEHOVAH THE DEAD ARE NOT CONSCIOUS. Notice
God. the plain evidence of Scripture: “And many of
Adam was created incomplete. He was them that SLEEP IN THE DUST of the earth
created to need the holy spirit of YEHOVAH shall awake" (Daniel 12:2). “And the graves
God in order to live forever. Adam, however, were opened; and many bodies of THE SAINTS
had to choose whether or not he would accept the WHICH SLEPT arose" (Matthew 27:52). “And
free gift of the holy spirit. He chose NOT to when your days are fulfilled," said YEHOVAH
receive the holy spirit by disobeying to David, “and you shalt SLEEP with your
YEHOVAH God and was thereafter cut off from fathers..." (II Samuel 7:12).
access to the tree of life! Here is yet another DEATH IS described as a SLEEP over
proof that no man has eternal life INHERENT 36 times in the Bible when referring to the kings

DEATH -- Where Is Your Sting?
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