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14 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course Lesson 24

which the MAN (falsely represented as an Bible say man IS a spirit. It says man is mortal. It
immortal soul) dwells. says the soul that sins shall DIE.
The spirit that is IN a man has no Yeshua the Messiah said man may be
consciousness OF ITSELF. It cannot KNOW, BORN AGAIN -- next time, born of YEHO-
apart from the physical brain. It cannot SEE, of VAH GOD, who is a SPIRIT (John 3:3-7).
itself. Coupled with the brain, it can see only THEN, he said, we shall BE SPIRIT. But now
through the physical eye. It cannot hear without we are FLESH! The Messiah was chosen and
the human ear. commissioned to reveal the HOPE of humanity
PROOF: A blind man has this human -- to be BORN of YEHOVAH GOD, by a
spirit IN him -- but it sees NOTHING. This spirit resurrection from the dead. Born into the very
is IN a deaf man. But he cannot hear, though he GOD FAMILY. That is what salvation is! Satan
has full powers of MIND otherwise. has blinded a deceived world from this GREAT
Since this spirit cannot see without a HOPE! He seeks to destroy all this, deceiving
functioning physical eye, nor hear without a men into believing man is already immortal -- an
properly functioning physical ear, in a LIVING “immortal soul” that can’t die -- could not be
man, it most certainly cannot see or hear apart resurrected from the DEAD!
from a DEAD man. Thus Satan seeks to destroy the Gospel!
Neither can it KNOW or THINK apart Satan represents the “spirit in man” as
from the physical brain. By a physical drug the being, itself, the conscious MAN. The true
physical brain may be rendered unconscious. FACT is, the “spirit IN man” merely imparts
This drug cannot affect the spirit in the man -- certain characteristics to the physical BRAIN.
yet he KNOWS NOTHING while the brain is 4. What does the spirit in man add to
rendered unconscious, even though his spirit is man’s brain? I Corinthians 2:11.
still in him. COMMENT: It is this spirit that is IN
Thus, as the Bible plainly says, dead men man, which, added to material BRAIN, gives
“know not anything." This spirit is not the man. this human brain the functions of MIND. But
It is merely something IN him which imparts this Scripture PLAINLY says that this spirit is
intellect or MIND power to the brain. It is NOT a merely something that is IN the MAN. It is NOT
ghost. It is spirit ESSENCE. It is merely an the MAN!
ingredient added to the brain which produces This spirit IN man cannot, of itself, see
human MIND. It is a HUMAN spirit. The MAN anything. The human BRAIN SEES through the
with this spirit can know only PHYSICAL human physical EYE. It hears through the
things. It requires the addition of ANOTHER physical ear. The spirit in man cannot know, or
spirit -- YEHOVAH God’s HOLY spirit -- to think, or remember, OF ITSELF. Of itself, it has
open the human mind to comprehension of no consciousness. It merely IMPARTS human
spiritual things (I Corinthians 2:9-10). mind-powers and personality to the human
YEHOVAH GOD says that what came brain.
from the dust was the MAN. Satan deceives men A man dies, and in that very day his
into believing that what came from the ground thinking stops, his thoughts cease (Psalm
was NOT the MAN, but the HOUSE in which 146:4). Dead people are totally unconscious --
the man dwells -- the GARMENT the MAN they know nothing (Ecclesiastes 9:5). At death,
wears -- the PRISON which holds the “immortal this spirit has no consciousness -- it SLEEPS (I
soul” captive! Corinthians 11:30; 15:51; I Thessalonians
Yeshua the Messiah said, “That which is 4:14).
born of the flesh [matter from the ground] IS But this spirit is NOT the “soul.” That
FLESH [matter from dust]." Nowhere does the which YEHOVAH God formed out of material

DEATH -- Where Is Your Sting?
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