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16 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course Lesson 24

shua the Messiah, the world’s prove that man has an
coming king under YEHO- immortal soul. But this is not
VAH, who was made immortal true and will be covered at
and very God through a another time.
resurrection to eternal life. 7. Did David prophesy of
2. According to I the resurrection of the
Timothy 6:16, who has im- Messiah? Acts 2:30-31.
mortality inherently -- YEHO- What was David’s specific
VAH God or man? prophecy? Verses 27 and 31.
COMMENT: The Does not this prove that the
“He” mentioned here refers to resurrection was demonstrat-
YEHOVAH God the Father -- ed by the fact that the
not the Messiah, as some Messiah’s soul was not left in
imagine. Only the Father is hell?
“King of kings and Lord of COMMENT: The resur-
lords”). rection of the Messiah in-
3. Who was commis- volved the resurrection of his
sioned by YEHOVAH God to soul -- his BODY -- from the
reveal to MANKIND the grave. The Greek word
knowledge of how to achieve “psuche”, translated “soul”
eternal life and immortality? II and “life” in the King James
Timothy 1:10. Does this verse Version, has the same mean-
Grunewald’s painting of the
indicate that immortality is ing as the Hebrew word
resurrection. If the Messiah had not
something man already has? “nephesh”. It was the
risen from the dead our faith would
Through what was immortality “psuche” or soul -- the body
be in vain.
brought to light? Same verse. of the Messiah after his
Isn’t the Gospel, then, the good lifeblood was spilled -- that
news about how to gain immortality? was buried. That is what was resurrected! From
4. Is immortality to be sought for? where? From “hell.” But what does “hell” mean?
Romans 2:7. Is eternal life a FREE GIFT The place where the Messiah’s body was buried!
bestowed on those who seek for immortality? The grave or sepulcher. See John 19:41-42 and
Same verse and Romans 6:23. 20:4. A full explanation of the subject of hell
5. Now turn to I Corinthians 15:53 and will appear in the next lesson of the Corre-
54. Do these two verses say that man is immortal spondence Course!
already? What must man PUT ON? When will
man be clothed with immortality? Verse 52. Is Why a Resurrection?
this the time of the resurrection? I Thessa-
lonians 4:16. If man were an immortal soul in a
6. Did David, King of Israel, ascend to material body -- and if the death of the body
heaven as an immortal soul when he died? Acts releases the soul -- then there would be no need
2:29 and 34. Has any man, except the Messiah, for a resurrection to immortal life. Man would
ascended to heaven? John 3:13. Will David merely CONTINUE living after death. But THE
become immortal when raised from the dead at VERY FACT THAT THE BIBLE TEACHES
the resurrection? Jeremiah 30:9. THE RESURRECTION FROM THE DEAD IS
think of Enoch and Elijah and assume that they IMMORTAL SOUL. Here is further proof from

DEATH -- Where Is Your Sting?
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