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Lesson 20 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course 25

through ignorance of His Word? Acts 17:30. But
once spiritual understanding of YEHOVAH's
Master Plan is made available, what is His
simple command? Same verse.
11. Will these resurrected billions -- who
could not understand the Bible because they
lacked His holy spirit to enlighten their minds --
finally be able to understand in this Last Great
Judgment? Will they, too, be given the
opportunity to participate successfully in
YEHOVAH's wonderful plan? See again
Revelation 20:12 and Daniel 7:10.
Glass works in Istanbul, Turkey. Most Turks
12. What are these books that are
worship the prophet of Islam, Muhammed.
opened? Same verses.
Because they don’t understand YEHOVAH’s plan
COMMENT: The Hebrew word
today are they lost forever?
translated "books" in Daniel 7:10 corresponds
exactly to the Greek word translated "books" in
Revelation 20:12. This Greek word is "biblia,"
and it is from this exact word that we derive our
English word, "Bible"! Check it in your
The "books" that are opened are the
books of your Bible! They will be opened to the
understanding of the billions of people who have
NEVER YET heard the name of the Messiah or
been able to understand the message of
YEHOVAH's Word. Those who have never
before been able to participate in YEHOVAH's
Master Plan! This is that same outpouring of
spiritual understanding -- of living waters -- that
Chinese rice farmers and their children are
Yeshua the Messiah referred to in 30 A.D. on the
promised a FIRST chance to learn YEHOVAH
Last Day of the Feast of Tabernacles (Hoshanah
God’s truth -- a chance they haven’t yet had!
Rabbah) (John 7:37-39)!
13. Did YEHOVAHGod pre-arrange for
about in his enigmatic sermon on the Last Day of
all to have a chance to come to repentance, even
the Feast of Tabernacles? John 7:37-39.
though they might have died without knowledge
9. Does the apostle Paul explain to
of His plan of salvation? Is this to be done
Gentiles that until they are called to salvation,
according to YEHOVAH's plan, at the time of
they are utterly without hope of eternal life?
His choosing? II Peter 3:9; I Timothy 2:4.
Ephesians 2:11-12. But doesn't Paul make clear
COMMENT: Those people who were
that once the Gentiles have received
born to physical life first -- many before the time
YEHOVAH's holy spirit, it supplies them with
the Messiah lived -- have not yet had the
the missing key to real understanding of the
opportunity to participate in YEHOVAH's plan.
Scriptures? Ephesians 3:4-6.
Their chance is coming, but they will be called
10. Is YEHOVAH God willing to
last -- in the Last Great Judgment! Those born
overlook the time when this multitude sinned
during the Messiah’s lifetime and later, after his
Feast of Tabernacles -- THE WORLD TOMORROW
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