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26 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course Lesson 20

death and resurrection, are being given their too can qualify for spiritual life. They are
opportunity as YEHOVAH's firstfruits (James required to act upon the knowledge YEHOVAH
1:18). Even people during the Millennium will God has given them, to choose righteousness as
be called to participate in YEHOVAH's plan defined by YEHOVAH's law, and shun evil, the
before the vast majority of unsaved mankind breaking of that law.
who must be resurrected from their graves. In contrast to the festive days of
Truly, the "last shall be first, and the first Tabernacles, Hoshanah Rabbah is observed
last: for many be called, but few chosen" solemnly, as an extension of the Day of
(Matthew 20:16)! Atonement. On this day, the rabbis tell us, the
What Is Judgment? and the decrees pronounced by YEHOVAH God
on the Day of Atonement take effect.
1. Who is the Chief Judge in the Last The seventh and last day of Tabernacles
Great Judgment? Revelation 20:11; Daniel 7:9 is the culmination of the holy day season that
compared with Psalm 9:7. Doesn't the Bible begins with the month of Elul, which is the
plainly show the Presiding Judge will be preparation month for the great feasts of the
YEHOVAH God Himself? Does John 5:21-22 month of Tishri. Thus the process begins with
show that the Messiah will actually do the self-examination and repentance, enjoined on us
judging on his Father’s behalf?. And are the during Elul, heightened with the Feast of
saints to judge with him? I Corinthians 6:2. Trumpets, and the trumpet warnings sounded on
2. Is the Messiah the Chief Judge of both that day to “repent” and draw close to
the living (quick) and the dead -- those to be YEHOVAH God.
resurrected? Acts 10:40-42. The Feast of Trumpets is followed by the
3. How is the judgment of this great Days of Awe, leading up to Yom Kippur or the
multitude accomplished? Review Revelation Day of Atonement, picturing judgment and
20:12 and Daniel 7:10 in the light of Romans cleansing -- forgiveness to the deserving and
2:6-11 and Ecclesiastes 12:13-14. See also II judgment upon the wicked. This is followed by
Corinthians 5:10. the joyousness of the Feast of Tabernacles
4. Are they not judged by the Word of (Sukkot), but this time is terminated by the
God -- the Bible -- in accordance with what they FINAL judgment of Hoshanah Rabbah!
will do after they are resurrected to material,
mortal life? Revelation 20:12. Is this not the How We Should Keep the Feast Now
same sort of judgment period true Christians
must experience today? I Peter 4:17-18. Will 1. Is Jerusalem again to BE CHOSEN as
these resurrected peoples be considered a part of the center of worship? Zechariah 2:12. Then
YEHOVAH's household after they receive His Jerusalem is not now the place for all people to
holy spirit? Romans 8:14. go to keep the Feast of Tabernacles, is it? John
COMMENT: This multitude is raised to 4:21.
physical life after the 1000 years are finished. COMMENT: Jerusalem was rejected in
THIS IS THE SECOND RESURRECTION. 69 A.D. and turned over to the Romans and
Their names will be written in the Book of Life destruction. YEHOVAH God withdrew His
(Revelation 20:12), and they will be given the name He had placed there. But Jerusalem will
seal of YEHOVAH God's holy spirit in their again, in the Millennium, be the place of
minds! Those who never were given a chance to YEHOVAH God’s throne and His people will
fulfill the purpose for which they have been keep the Feast of Tabernacles!
born, now will be given a trial period so that they 2. Does YEHOVAH STRONGLY in-

Feast of Tabernacles -- THE WORLD TOMORROW
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