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P. 20

20 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course Lesson 20

the rabbis. Notice! CONNECTION of this part of the Feast with the
“For though that ceremony was POURING OUT OF YEHOVAH’s SPIRIT
considered by the Rabbis as being a subordinate AMONG THE EARTH.
reference to the dispensation of the rain, the 7. We find an example of the connection
annual fall of which they imagined was between the pouring out of water and the
determined by God at that feast, its MAIN AND pouring out of YEHOVAH’s spirit in Isaiah
predicted -- probably in allusion to this very rite Isaiah was alluding to this particular rite of the
-- by Isaiah the prophet. Thus the Talmud says Feast of Tabernacles in his comment in Isaiah
distinctly: ‘Why is the name of it called, The 12:3.
drawing out of water? Because of the pouring For more details write for our article, A
out of the holy spirit, according to what is said: New Look at the Deep Meaning of the Feast of
“With joy shall ye draw waters out of the well of Tabernacles!
salvation.”’ Hence, also, the feast and the
peculiar joyousness of it, are alike designated as YEHOVAH’s Shekinah Glory
those of ‘the drawing out of water’; for
according to the same Rabbinical authorities, the As a part of this fascinating Water
holy spirit dwells in man only through joy” (The Drawing ceremony, four immense candelabrum
Temple, p. 279-280). were set in the Temple courtyard for the Feast of
5. With our new understanding of the Sukkot, 75 feet in height. Each candelabra had
Feast of Tabernacles we can now focus our four golden bowls, and was reached by four
attention on John 7-8, which occurred during ladders. Each bowl was capable of holding many
the Feast of Sukkot. Notice John 7:37-40. gallons of oil. Four youths of priestly descent
COMMENT: The phrase “...the last each held a pitcher of oil, which they used to fill
day, that great day of the feast...” is mentioned in the bowls. Wicks were made from the old,
rabbinical writings as the “Day of the Great cast-off priestly garments and rags from
Hosanna.” On this day the priest marched worn-out vestments. When the candelabrum
around the altar seven times, instead of once, in were lit, they generated such intense and brilliant
remembrance of how the walls of Jericho fell light, that not a courtyard in the whole city of
and how the walls of heathenism and FALSE Jerusalem failed to be illuminated by the blazing
RELIGION would fall before YEHOVAH God light. Notice Edersheim's description of it --
and the land be open for the people to possess it. “At the close of the first day of the feast
6. As the priests were pouring the the worshipers descended to the Court of the
WATER and the wine, and after the Hallel had Women, where great preparations had been
been sung to the accompaniment of the flutes, made. Four golden candelabras were there, each
and as the last words of Psalm 118 were being with four golden bowls, and against them rested
repeated, what did the Messiah do? John four ladders; and four youths of priestly descent
7:37-38. held, each a pitcher of oil, capable of holding one
COMMENT: In so doing Yeshua the hundred and twenty log, from which they filled
Messiah proclaimed himself as the “fountain of each bowl. The old, worn breeches and girdles of
living water.” The fact that this had an effect on the priests served for wicks to these lamps. There
the people, and caused many to question his was not a court in Jerusalem that was not lit up
Messiahship, is evident in the New Testament. by the light of 'the house of water-pouring'” (The
“But this he spoke CONCERNING THE Temple, p. 283).
SPIRIT...” found in verse 39, expresses the What did these four immense candel-

Feast of Tabernacles -- THE WORLD TOMORROW
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