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Lesson 14 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course 13

of the other seed of the parable never the “called out ones.”
BROUGHT FORTH FRUIT OF OBEDIENCE Pentecost, or Firstfruits pictures to us the
in YEHOVAH’s harvest plan. first part of the spiritual harvest, the calling out
5. Is YEHOVAH God concerned with of YEHOVAH God’s True first-century Church
HOW MUCH we do? Verses 8 and 23. -- a FEW PEOPLE and a SMALL FIRST
COMMENT: YEHOVAH God knows HARVEST. YEHOVAH has not been dealing
how much each of us can do in bringing forth with the vast majority of the world, but He has
good fruit in his Master Plan. By allowing made these wonderful truths plain to the few that
YEHOVAH’s spirit to work within us we will He is calling.
produce thirty, sixty or one hundred fold of good 2. Why do we find leaven put into these
fruit, or WORKS, in our changed lives. loaves of the firstfruit offering? I Corinthians
6. Just HOW MUCH does YEHOVAH 5:7. Since the Bible uses leaven as a type of sin,
expect us to do? Luke 17:7-10. Did the master of does this mean that there was still sin in the
this servant GIVE COMMANDS which were to first-century Church of YEHOVAH God? I
be obeyed? Verses 7 and 8. John 1:8. Does this mean that sin SHOULD
7. For merely obeying instructions, REMAIN in the New Testament Church? I John
doing no more than was REQUIRED of him, did 1:9. Of course not! Sin is to be put out whenever
the servant deserve thanks? Verse 9. Doesn’t found. But only the Messiah was without sin.
Yeshua the Messiah say that when we have done 3. Does the Bible plainly state that
only what is required of us in YEHOVAH’s plan converted Christians in early New Testament
and NO MORE, we are STILL UN- times were considered “firstfruits” in
PROFITABLE? Verse 10. Does he expect us to YEHOVAH’s plan? James 1:18.
do MORE than the minimum requirement of the 4. Is the term “firstfruits” applied to
Ten Commandments? To go above and beyond specific Christians living in the first century and
the call of our duties? Same verse. after the coming of the holy spirit in 31 A.D.?
Romans 16:5.
What It Means to Be the Firstfruits in COMMENT: After the early Christians
YEHOVAH’s Plan! were accepted as the Wave Sheaf, the general
harvest of firstfruits could begin. Still only a
Seven Sabbaths and fifty days after SMALL HARVEST OF PEOPLE DURING
Yeshua the Messiah “waved” the omer before THAT AGE WAS TO BE REAPED at the
YEHOVAH GOD in heaven, the holy spirit second appearance of the Messiah and the return
came according to the promises Yeshua had of YEHOVAH God.
made (Acts 2:1). 5. What are those who stand before the
1. What was the special offering made on Messiah called at his second appearance?
the Day of Pentecost in the Old Testament? Revelation 14:1-4. How are they described?
Leviticus 23:17. What does the Bible say these Same verse. Did they have to come out of the
loaves symbolized? Same verse. What are these world and separate themselves from the
firstfruits called in New Testament times? God-rejecting majority of mankind? Verse 4.
James 1:18. What is the outstanding characteristic of those
COMMENT: Notice there are TWO who are called the “firstfruits” of YEHOVAH’s
loaves of the wheat harvest, covering the two people? Revelation 14:12.
periods of the Old Testament and the New 6. Are these “firstfruits” mentioned in
Testament Church. the plan of resurrections? I Corinthians
The word “church” has been translated 15:20-23 and I Thessalonians 4:13-18.
from the Greek word, “ecclesia” which means COMMENT: First Yeshua the Messiah

Day of Pentecost -- The Church in YEHOVAH’s Master Plan
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