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Lesson 14 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course 15

Yeshua the Messiah had from YEHOVAH God carnal mind? Romans 7:23. Who would deliver
the Father available to Christians today? Is Paul? Can we deliver ourselves from the grip of
YEHOVAH God a respecter of persons Romans our human nature, or must we rely on
2:11. supernatural help from YEHOVAH’S HOLY
6. By the power of YEHOVAH’s spirit SPIRIT? Verses 24 and 25. What would Paul do
was Yeshua the Messiah able to overcome? when he was delivered from sin? Would he
John 16:33 and Revelation 3:21. Does the continue to serve -- obey -- sin? Or would he
Messiah intend for Christians to overcome? serve -- obey -- YEHOVAH God’s law? Same
Revelation 3:21. verses.
7. What will happen when you allow COMMENT: The Passover pictures our
YEHOVAH’s spirit to lead you? John 16:13. repentance from sin, and acknowledging that we
COMMENT: The pronoun “he” need Yeshua the Messiah’s sacrifice to PAY
sometimes used to refer to YEHOVAH’s spirit FOR OUR SINS.
in the King James Version should properly be Next, you must make up your mind to
translated “it.” The King James translators, QUIT SINNING. You show your willingness to
blinded by the false doctrines of Babylon, obey by being BAPTIZED and beginning to
inserted this flagrant error into our Bible. The SUBMIT TO YEHOVAH’S PERFECT LAWS.
holy spirit is NOT A PART OF A PAGAN This step is pictured by the Days of Unleavened
TRINITY! The holy spirit is the POWER of Bread.
YEHOVAH God. It is the very seed of eternal Thirdly, you must receive SUPER-
life which the Father implants in every son of NATURAL HELP from YEHOVAH God!
His. YEHOVAH will give true Christians His
8. To what is the holy spirit compared? powerful holy spirit to help them OVERCOME.
John 7:37-39. Had YEHOVAH’s spirit been YEHOVAH God first sent His spirit on the Day
available before the Day of Pentecost? Same of Pentecost!
verses. Once Christians have received the holy Yeshua the Messiah overcame, Paul the
spirit, won’t it flow out from them just as it did apostle overcame, and you can overcome your
from Yeshua the Messiah? Same verses. own selfishness, your carnal human mind, if you
9. What kind of works will yield yourself to YEHOVAH God Almighty and
YEHOVAH’s spirit do in the lives of true receive the help of His holy spirit. When you do,
Christians? Romans 5:5. What is the love of you will become one of the few TRUE
YEHOVAH God? I John 5:3. CHRISTIANS that follow in the footsteps of
10. What are the other fruits of those who became the firstfruits of
YEHOVAH’s holy spirit? Galatians 5:22-23. YEHOVAH’s harvest, and be a part of
11. What is the result of being ruled by YEHOVAH God’s Master Plan of salvation.
human nature man’s carnal mind? Galatians
5:16-17 and Romans 8:7. Is man’s human Who Are the “ELECT”?
nature contrary to the ways of YEHOVAH’s
spirit? Same verses. What is the result of being 1. Can you be “Christ’s” -- can you
ruled by your carnal human mind -- of being belong to Yeshua the Messiah -- if you don’t
“set” in the ways of human nature? Romans 8:6. have YEHOVAH’s holy spirit? Romans 8:9-11.
But if you allow YEHOVAH God to guide you 2. Is everything in creation waiting for
through His holy spirit, what is the result? the time when the FIRSTFRUITS of
Romans 8:1-4. YEHOVAH’s spiritual harvest will be reaped?
12. Did the apostle Paul recognize the Romans 8:23. Do the firstfruits themselves
battle between YEHOVAH’s spirit and his eagerly yearn for the time when they will be able

Day of Pentecost -- The Church in YEHOVAH’s Master Plan
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