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Lesson 39 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course 15

can always
have a heart NOTES:
by the wine
of YEHO-
VAH, and a
face shining
with the oil
of YEHO-
5. There is
another pas-
sage from
the Old Tes-
tament in
In the Bible oil is the symbol of which the
YEHOVAH’s holy spirit. four sym-
bols -- the
and the BARLEY, the WINE and the OIL -- are
mentioned. Joel 1:10-12.
COMMENT: This important prophetic
passage further shows how the chief products of
the Promised Land are used as the SYMBOLS of
SPIRITUAL realities. These symbols speak
most dramatically of the CONSOLING and
HEALING influences of YEHOVAH’s TRUE
The words of the voice that the apostle
John heard in the midst of the four living ___________________________________
creatures lets us know that the rider of the
BLACK horse was NOT to be permitted to Articles to Write for:
“hurt” the restoring and healing ministry of the
TRUE gospel -- the Good News of the Kingdom Did the Apostle Peter Ever Visit Rome?
of YEHOVAH God and the rulership of YEHO-
VAH God and the Messiah from Jerusalem! Simon Magus and the Origins of the
Catholic Church!

Answers to Questions in Lesson 38: The Race Change in Ancient Italy:
Paving the Way for the Roman Catholic
1. The 11th. 2. spiritual 3. pray 4. Faith and Church!
obedience. 5. YEHOVAH God did not generally
offer His holy spirit to them as He does to us Just What Is the “Synagogue of Satan”?
today. 6. Yes. 7. works 8. unconditional 9.
possession. 10. Absolutely not! 11. Yes. 12. Just Who Or What Is the “Antichrist”?
obedience 13. baptism. 14. Yes.

The Black Horse of Revelation 6
   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17