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12 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course Lesson 39

worldly escape.
So, in effect, the established Christian
churches adopted a TOTALLY DIFFERENT
posture from the one intended by the Messiah.
The long-term effects are still WITH US TO
THIS DAY. And the implications for society
have been TRAGIC -- to say the least!
As G.K. Chesterton said, “Christianity
has not failed -- IT HAS NEVER BEEN
TRIED.” This is true except for a small minority
of called-out ones who have clung to the original
message of the Good News of the soon-coming The White Horse of Revelation 6:2 represents the
Kingdom of YEHOVAH God on this earth. going forth of the Good News of the Kingdom of
Writes Frederick C. Grant: “And this is
the tragedy, that a gospel meant for the YEHOVAH God into the world.
HEALING of the nations accepted a lesser role VAH God’s testimony on this earth through His
and became only ONE MORE of ‘the world’s seven churches (see Revelation 2:1-3:22). This
great religions,’ leaving Hatred, War, Greed, part of Zechariah closely parallels the visions
Hunger, and Misery still the permanent rulers of John had at Patmos.
mankind” (Roman Hellenism and the New 2. Turning from the contemplation of the
Testament, p. 171). golden candlestick, Zechariah saw a flying roll
From Paul’s day to the present, the black (or scroll). Zechariah 5:1-4.
horse has followed right behind the white and COMMENT: The angel that talked with
red horses, seemingly to overwhelm and HIDE Zechariah said that this scroll was “the CURSE
from the world the true gospel message that that goeth forth over the face of the whole earth.”
Yeshua and the disciples brought to a darkened This shows that out of Judea was to come not
civilization. only “the BLESSING of Abraham” (the TRUE
Look around you today -- instead of one gospel) through those who were of “the faith of
PURE, unadulterated worship of YEHOVAH Abraham,” but also “the curse” (the FALSE gos-
God you find dozens, even hundreds, of pel) through those who rejected YEHOVAH’s
differing and bickering “Christian” sects, each truth and refused to submit to His righteousness
claiming to have the “truth.” Logic demands that (Romans 10:3).
only ONE can have the truth and that one, 3. Then Zechariah was commanded to
wherever it may be, is the result of the work of lift up his eyes, and upon doing so he saw an
the WHITE HORSE AND ITS RIDER, while all EPHAH. Zechariah 5:5-7.
the others are a result of the ride of the BLACK COMMENT: In the English version of
HORSE across the centuries. The prophecy of the Old Testament issued by the Jewish Pub-
Hosea and the vision of John have been fulfilled. lication Society of America the word “ephah” is
rendered “MEASURE” -- (”This is the MEAS-
The Ephah of Zechariah URE that goeth forth”), which brings the vision
still closer to that of John, who heard a voice in
Powerful corroboration of this under- the midst of the four cherubim say, “A
standing of the rider of the black horse is found MEASURE of wheat for a penny, and three
in the visions of Zechariah. MEASURES of barley for a penny.”
1. Notice Zechariah 4:1-14. Of the ephah (a measure that was
COMMENT: This is a figure of YEHO-

The Black Horse of Revelation 6
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