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18 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course Lesson 38

remorse take over? Remember, the doubter is are walking about, watching for the chance to
actually calling YEHOVAH God a LIAR! And TEMPT us when we are off our guard. We are
no UNBELIEVER will ever enter the Kingdom therefore to resist Satan by the FAITH of the
of YEHOVAH God! (Revelation 21:8.) Messiah -- but how?
Remember always that YEHOVAH God Part of the key is to “BE VIGILANT.”
KNOWS YOUR problem. It is not hidden from Be on your GUARD! Be ever watchful! Be
His eyes! He wants you to commit it to Him and prepared! That’s where we can fall down. It
trust Him to shoulder it FOR YOU. He wants you takes constant, continual, vigilant effort -- never
to learn to RELY on Him in patient, LIVING letting down! Unless we, ourselves, had to put
FAITH! forth some EFFORT, we could not be
At the same time, YEHOVAH God wants OVERCOMERS! But if we had the power and
you to continue growing spiritually, doing YOUR faith to do it all, we would not need
PART in OVERCOMING yourself, yielding to YEHOVAHGod.
Him and obeying His commandments. So it requires our effort -- our
In due time, YEHOVAH WILL DE- continuous, watchful, ever VIGILANT effort --
LIVER You! That is His Word -- His promise -- empowered by YEHOVAH’S SPIRIT!
AND IT CANNOT BE BROKEN (John 10:35; 3. What does James further instruct us
Titus 1:2). But you must patiently and about our part? James 4:8. Are we therefore to
perseveringly TRUST in Him with thankful JOY, PRAY every day? I Thessalonians 5:17 and
gratitude and humility! Colossians 4:2.
Remember the Israelites of old! Don’t COMMENT: When the devil casts
follow them in FAITHLESS, sour, disgruntled temptation in our path, we sometimes find
rebellion! ourselves TOO FAR FROM YEHOVAH GOD.
Then we are unable, on the spur of the moment,
How to Receive More Faith to get CLOSE ENOUGH for the help and
deliverance we need!
Since our receiving of YEHOVAH’s It sometimes takes TIME to get CLOSE
promises is based on the living, active faith of the to YEHOVAH God -- into that intimate contact
Messiah in our lives, how do we go about getting with Him so that we can draw on Him for the
MORE of Yeshua’s faith? power we suddenly need!
Simply by YIELDING -- submitting our In other words, when temptation unex-
desires, our purposes and wills -- to YEHOVAH pectedly comes, we sometimes find ourselves
God, and then ASKING Him in real, earnest, caught off guard -- “out of prayer” -- out of
persevering PRAYER to give us the faith to trust contact with YEHOVAH God -- OUT OF
Here are the details. You were entering a CONTEST with
1. Does James tell us TO SUBMIT to Satan. You tried to wrestle with him, but you
YEHOVAH God and RESIST the devil? James were OUT OF TRAINING -- out of spiritual
4:7. condition.
COMMENT: Submit! Resist! This takes We can not win these SPIRITUAL
OUR effort!! This is something WE must do. battles when out of SPIRITUAL training. All
2. And does Peter tell us to be spiritual power, strength and faith must come
VIGILANT? I Peter 5:8-9. But does it also take from YEHOVAH God. We can drink it in from
FAITH TO overcome the devil and his demons? Him only when we are IN CONTACT with Him
Ephesians 6:11-12, 16. -- close to Him -- IN COMMUNION WITH
COMMENT: The devil and his demons HIM!

What It Means To “Live By Faith”
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