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Lesson 38 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course 17

trials and troubles. That was not what they Deuteronomy 8:2. Is this the same reason He
wanted. They wanted the BLESSINGS YEHO- tests Christians today?
VAH promised, but not the trials YEHOVAH COMMENT: YEHOVAH, to see if we
God permitted them to experience! really BELIEVE Him -- if we really have
But how does all this apply to us today? FAITH in His Word and His promises -- puts us
5. Are the experiences and examples of through trials and tests. The questions in
Old Testament Israel recorded in the Bible for YEHOVAH’s mind are: “Will we remain
OUR edification and WARNING? Romans faithful? Do we really believe Him? Are we
15:4 and I Corinthians 10:11. willing to OBEY Him REGARDLESS of
6. Are spirit-begotten Christians who do circumstances?"
POSSESS the faith of the Messiah WARNED to Therefore, just as with ancient Israel,
take heed and not commit the same mistake the YEHOVAH puts true Christians through
Israelites did, lest they FAIL to receive YEHO- TRIALS and TESTS to reveal their true
VAH’s promised “rest” -- the inheritance of character.
eternal life and rulership in YEHOVAH’s REACTION to TRIALS reveals the
glorious kingdom -- about which you have answer to YEHOVAH God!
learned so much in previous lessons? Hebrews Consider this fact the next time YOU are
4:1. undergoing a SEVERE TEST of faith!
COMMENT: Too few realize the 2. Are we to rejoice when YEHOVAH
DIRECT PARALLEL between the example of God allows us to experience various trials? I
the ancient Israelites and true Christians today. It Peter 4:12-13 and James 1:2-4. Do trials
is inescapable! produce patience? Verse 3. Is the trial of our
True Christians are those who have been faith MORE PRECIOUS than gold? I Peter 1:7.
delivered -- not from physical bondage -- but What does YEHOVAH PROMISE concerning
from SPIRITUAL SLAVERY. We have been all our trials, afflictions and persecution? Psalm
delivered from bondage to SIN! 34:19.
The Israelites going through the waters COMMENT: Sometimes YEHOVAH
of the Red Sea was a TYPE of baptism (I does NOT deliver us immediately from our
Corinthians 10:1). The Christian baptism, trials. Sometimes He TESTS our willingness to
however, is a SPIRITUAL matter. Through rely upon Him in FAITH by allowing the trial to
baptism and receiving the holy spirit, we are set REMAIN for some time.
apart as YEHOVAH’s people. We become His Are you WILLING to trust YEHOVAH
spiritual nation (I Peter 2:9-10). God in simple FAITH -- trusting Him to deliver
And like ancient Israel, YEHOVAH God you, protect you, heal you, and provide His
has given us certain wonderful, glorious promised blessing?
PROMISES! Like then, there are also prior Are you, therefore, willing to ENDURE
CONDITIONS to receiving these spiritual and OBEY in BELIEVING FAITH?
promises -- the TWIN CONDITIONS of FAITH What is YOUR biggest trial? Stop and
and OBEDIENCE! think about it for a moment. What has your
But unlike ancient Israel, we today can attitude been toward it?
have the HOLY SPIRIT and the FAITH to obey! Is your trial teaching you to TRUST IN
YEHOVAH GOD and rely on Him -- ALL THE
The TRIAL of Our Faith WAY? Is it perfecting FAITH? Is it teaching you
1. Why did YEHOVAH God try and test Or does doubt begin to creep in, does
Israel in the wilderness forty long years? discouragement sneak in, do self-pity and

What It Means To “Live By Faith”
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