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18 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course Lesson 33

139:23-24. 6. Are we admonished NOT TO GIVE
COMMENT: YEHOVAH God Al- UP praying every day? I Thessalonians 5:17.
mighty knows our hearts individually. If we call COMMENT: You should always feel
upon Him for help, He will provide us with the free to take all of your innermost thoughts to
strength we need to combat the evil pulls of our YEHOVAH in prayer and ask Him to guide you.
human nature. He will also reveal the innermost Talk over everything with Him. Ask Him to
thoughts of our hearts and minds, and help us to direct your daily life.
repent deeply of following the vanity of our David was a man after YEHOVAH’s
carnal minds. own heart (Acts 13:22). That is why this lesson
We must rely on YEHOVAH God for the has drawn so much from David’s own examples
SPIRITUAL strength we need to overcome sin of prayer. David went to YEHOVAH in prayer
in our lives, and to purify our hearts. about every circumstance.
YEHOVAH wants us to constantly seek The Psalms are the prayers and songs,
Him for the power to overcome. And we must the meditations and thoughts of David. They
ask Him for it through prayer. This is the ONLY were inspired by YEHOVAH God to be a part of
WAY to receive His SPIRIT OF POWER! the Bible. YEHOVAH knew we could learn
Our Heavenly Father wants each one of from David by studying the Psalms.
us in His Family. That is His purpose for our 7. Are we to let the mind of Yeshua the
lives -- the purpose for which we were born. He Messiah dwell within us? Philippians 2:5.
is on His throne in Heaven ready to forgive us COMMENT: The Messiah’s mind was
our sins and shortcomings, and grant us His pure -- his heart was SPIRITUALLY CLEAN in
supernatural help -- if we will only come to Him YEHOVAH’s sight. He prayed continually for
in PRAYER and ASK FOR IT! the power to KEEP from sinning. And Yeshua
the Messiah is the EXAMPLE we are to follow
PRAY EVERY DAY! today (I Peter 2:21).
8. If we pray as we should, will we be
1. Should we continue INSTANT in confident, thankful, and have the peace of YE-
prayer? Romans 12:12. What does this mean? HOVAH God in our hearts? Philippians 4:6-7.
COMMENT: We should, as many other COMMENT: YEHOVAH wants us to
scriptures show, be in an ATTITUDE of prayer. be in His Kingdom. He wants us to come to Him
It is possible to let your mind dwell on YEHO- for forgiveness and the power to grow in His
VAH God as you go about your daily routine -- character. He wants us to ask Him to help us
speak to Him silently as you work or play -- LET overcome sin in our lives, and live by His Com-
But this is only possible if you are ALSO UNLESS WE COME TO HIM AND ASK FOR
2. Did David know that DAILY prayer YEHOVAH made us free moral agents.
was important to his spiritual life? Psalm 55:17. We must CHOOSE to rely on Him and ASK for
3. Did Daniel know that REGULAR His help -- to humble ourselves, recognizing our
contact with YEHOVAH was extremely neces- innate weaknesses, and depend on Him for the
sary? Daniel 6:10. spiritual strength we need.
4. Did David spend much time praising So PRAY TO GOD EVERY DAY!
YEHOVAH in prayer? Psalm 119:164. Pray continually, regularly, fervently,
5. Did David think about YEHOVAH’s and expect YEHOVAH to answer!
Law all day long? Psalm 119:97. You must establish a regular habit of

The Power of Prayer!
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