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P. 11

Lesson 32 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course 11

1. What is the VERY FIRST THING “god of this world" (II Corinthians 4:4).
YEHOVAH reveals in the Bible? Genesis 1:1. Satan had REBELLED against YEHO-
Did YEHOVAH originally create the earth “not VAH God. Disobedience -- SIN -- BRINGS
45:18. area in which the sin occurs. Witness to this fact
COMMENT: The earth was created so is YEHOVAH’s obliteration of the wicked cities
beautiful and so perfect, that “all the [created] of Sodom and Gomorrah, because their SIN was
sons of God [the angels] shouted for joy” (Job “very grievous” (Genesis 18:20). Ancient Baby-
38:4-7). It was in PERFECT ORDER. There lon suffered a similar fate for its sins.
was NO CONFUSION -- “HE created it [the Now it becomes clear WHY the next
earth] NOT IN VAIN.” The Hebrew word in the glimpse we have of our earth, after it had been
original inspired writing, which has been trans- created perfect and beautiful, reveals it to be an
lated into English here as “in vain,” is “TOHU,” “indistinguishable ruin.”
which means “desolation” or “confusion” Because of Satan’s sin, YEHOVAH God
(Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the obliterated the pre-Adamic earth’s surface by
Bible). using great cataclysmic physical forces. All
So our earth, in its ORIGINAL state, was plant and animal life existing on the perfect,
created NOT in vain" -- NOT “tohu” -- NOT A pre-Adamic earth was caught in this great
DESOLATION. It was a PERFECT place. catastrophe and perished!
2. Keep in mind that Genesis, chapter 1, A PERFECT CREATION and a COM-
is in exact time sequence. Now note in Genesis PLETE DESTRUCTION occur within the first
1:2 the NEXT glimpse of our earth. Was it two verses of Genesis, chapter one! YEHOVAH
STILL a perfect place? GOD has told us so!
COMMENT: “And the earth was [or What was the NEXT thing that happened
became] WITHOUT FORM and VOID; and to our earth as it lay desolate and dark? Man
darkness was upon the face of the deep." The cannot, of himself, know with certainty.
Hebrew word for “without form” is “TOHU” -- But again YEHOVAH God reveals it to
THE same word used in Isaiah 45:18. So us, and in its proper time sequence, in the first
Genesis 1:2 tells us the former perfect earth chapter of Genesis: “And the Spirit [Shekinah
HAD BECOME “without form” -- HAD Glory] of God moved upon the face of the
BECOME “tofu” -- had BECOME A DESO- waters. And God said, Let there be light: and
LATION! there was light" (Genesis 1:2 — last part, and
A radical CHANGE had taken place! verse 3).
And all this happened BEFORE Adam and Eve After an indeterminable period of time,
and the creatures of their world were created. YEHOVAH began the creation of the ADAMIC
YEHOVAH God EMPHASIZES the world by refacing, in degree, its damaged
completeness of the destruction by saying, in surface to make it a habitable place for the first
addition, “the earth was ... VOID.” The Hebrew man and woman.
word for “void” means an “INDISTINGUISH- Notice that the spirit of YEHOVAH God
ABLE RUIN”! OUR ORIGINAL EARTH, moved “upon the face of the WATERS." The
FOR SOME REASON, HAD BECOME A pre-Adamic world was destroyed and covered
PLACE OF INDISTINGUISHABLE RUIN! by WATER, similar to the earth of Noah’s time.
WHY? And by the POWER of the holy spirit,
YEHOVAH reveals the answer. Recall YEHOVAH remade the earth’s surface, as the
that YEHOVAH has given Satan and his dem- following verses of Genesis 1 relate.
ons rule over our earth. Satan is the PRESENT

Evolution -- Fact? Or Fabrication?
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