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18 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course Lesson 27

human nature for what they really are. He must YEHOVAH’s precious holy spirit as a begettal,
cry out to YEHOVAH God for forgiveness, YOU ARE NOT A CHRISTIAN! SO says your
REPENTING of his sins and sinful nature. Bible (Romans 8:9).
Then a person is “READY” for baptism.
This is the way to salvation GOD has The Vital QUESTION
After one is baptized, and has the laying The vital question many of you students
on of hands, he receives the SPIRIT OF face today is: Will you SURRENDER your life
YEHOVAH GOD which plunges him into the to YEHOVAH God, and DO as He says? will
body of the Messiah -- the true Ecclesia of YOU repent of your sins -- your transgressions
YEHOVAH God. He becomes a begotten SON of YEHOVAH’s Law -- accept the Messiah as
OF YEHOVAH GOD, a member of the DIVINE your Savior, and be BAPTIZED?
FAMILY of YEHOVAH God! He becomes an Only you can make that decision. No one
heir of salvation and a true Christian! can make it for you. But don’t put it off!
In your next lesson, we will answer such
Are You a Christian? questions as: Should infants or children be
baptized? Are we to be baptized for the dead?
You have PROVEN to yourself from What is the “baptism with fire”? And how can
YEHOVAH’s own inspired Word that baptism you be sure that your baptism (if you have
in water is a commanded step in YEHOVAH’s already been immersed) is VALID in YEHO-
Plan of salvation. The Messiah commanded it. VAH’s sight? We will also discuss footwashing
The apostles did it. The early inspired New as an extension of baptism.
Testament Ecclesia practiced it. All of these questions, and others, will be
Yeshua the Messiah warned, “He that thoroughly covered and explained in Lesson 28.
believeth and is BAPTIZED SHALL BE
SAVED; but he that believeth not shall be
DAMNED [or, condemned, judged]" (Mark Answers to Questions in
16:16). Lesson 26:
The Messiah COMMANDED his true
followers, “Go you therefore, and TEACH ALL
1. The Bible. 2. The promise YEHOVAH
God made to him. 3. No! 4. Yes. 5. No
6. Yes, the Bible shows that we do. 7.
Have YOU been baptized? Have you
The area of Palestine. 8. The whole
repented of your sins and your evil, filthy, rotten
earth. 9. the Messiah. 10. No 11. Yes.
human nature? Have YOU accepted Yeshua the
12. Yes, the Bible says it does. 13. No, it
Messiah as your own personal Savior and
will take but a “moment.” 14. There is
coming High Priest and king?
still time left, but none to spare. 15. Sin
and the results of sin have to be removed
Examine yourself!
from it.
Perhaps you were “sprinkled” when a
child. Or perhaps a man of the cloth “poured”
water over your head. If so, then you need to
admit that YOU WERE NOT BAPTIZED! Hope of Israel Ministries -- Preparing
Unless you have been baptized by the Way for the Return of YEHOVAH
IMMERSION, after SINCERELY REPENT- God and the Messiah!
ING of your sins, and have received the gift of

The Meaning of Baptism
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