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16 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course Lesson 27

person His holy spirit, he might sit among hands upon them, and pray over them for the
YEHOVAH’s people, BUT WOULD NOT BE receipt of the holy spirit. Of course, there were
ONE OF THE “BODY” OF THE MESSIAH! some instances where individuals received the
Therefore, it is the RECEIVING OF holy spirit without the laying on of hands, such
THE HOLY SPIRIT which automatically as with Cornelius (Acts 10:44-48). But they are
PLUNGES US -- immerses, “baptizes,” or the SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS and not the rule!
PUTS US -- “into” the true Ecclesia of 5. After one receives YEHOVAH’s
YEHOVAH God! This immersion into the spirit, does a sensation or “feeling” overwhelm
Ecclesia by the holy spirit is termed by the him? Does he tingle with some ecstatic emotion?
Scriptures, “the baptism WITH,” “the baptism II Timothy 1:7.
BY,” or “the baptism of the holy spirit.” COMMENT: YEHOVAH’s spirit is the
HAS YEHOVAH GOD PUT YOU spirit of a SOUND MIND. It does not cause an
INTO HIS ECCLESIA? emotional outburst or some “feeling.” When a
person receives YEHOVAH’s spirit, it enters the
Receiving the Holy Spirit MIND of the individual and begets him
spiritually. Of course the newly baptized person
After a person is baptized, does he feels a certain gratitude, joy, and thankfulness,
immediately receive YEHOVAH’s spirit? Or is because of his OWN normal emotions. But there
there something else required first? is no special ecstatic “feeling” caused by
Notice what the Scriptures say. receiving the holy spirit of YEHOVAH God.
1. Is the “laying on of hands” one of the
basic doctrines of YEHOVAH’s Word? Salvation Without Baptism?
Hebrews 6:2.
2. Why were Peter and John sent to the Since water baptism is commanded by
new disciples in Samaria? Acts 8:14-16. What YEHOVAH God, what about the thief on the
did the apostles do so these new converts could tree? Was he saved without being baptized?
receive the holy spirit? Verse 17. Did they lay Let’s notice the plain truth.
hands on them and PRAY over them? Same 1. Does baptism itself SAVE US?
verse and verse 15. Romans 5:10.
3. Did Simon the Magician, called Simon COMMENT: Baptism in water is NOT
Magus in history, realize that the holy spirit was what saves us, although it is a commanded step
given through the laying on of the apostles’ in YEHOVAH’s Plan of salvation. As explained
hands? Verses 18-19. before, it is merely SYMBOLIC of that which
4. When the Apostle Paul came to remits our sins -- the DEATH of the Messiah. It
Ephesus on his third journey, he found people also pictures his resurrection, by which we are
there who had been baptized by John’s baptism finally SAVED.
only -- the baptism of repentance (Acts 19:1-4). 2. What did the thief on the tree ask the
What happened to these believers after they were Messiah? Luke 23:42. What was Yeshua’s
baptized in the name of the Messiah, and after reply? Verse 43.
Paul laid his hands on them? Acts 19:6. COMMENT: This verse SHOULD
COMMENT: The holy spirit was given read, “Verily I say unto thee today, thou shalt be
to baptized believers when YEHOVAH’s with me in Paradise." See the Lamsa
servants LAID HANDS ON THEM! translation, as well as others.
YEHOVAH works in the same way Most translations are improperly
today. YEHOVAH’s ministers baptize people punctuated in order to make it appear that
who have truly repented of their sins, then lay Yeshua and the thief would be in Paradise that

The Meaning of Baptism
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