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20 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course Lesson 14

The word “sanctify” means the act or Israel to do? Exodus 24:1.
process of making holy, separating, or setting COMMENT: YEHOVAH God then
apart for the service or use of YEHOVAH God; tells Moses to go up into YEHOVAH’s Presence
the state of being holy, sanctified, or purified. by himself to receive the tables of stone with the
The Israelites had to do this in order to meet law and commandments (verse 12).
YEHOVAH God. Notes the Bible dictionary 7. Continuing in Exodus 24:4 and 7,
Insight On the Scriptures, regarding Exodus what did Moses do next?
19:10-11, “God said to Moses: ‘Go to the COMMENT: On the next morning of
people, and you must sanctify them TODAY SIVAN 18, Moses built an altar and read the
AND TOMORROW, and they must wash their words of the covenant, in a book, to the people of
mantles....because on the third day Jehovah will Israel.
come down before the eyes of all the people 8. What does Exodus 24:13 say? And
upon Mount Sinai.’ (Ex. 19:10, 11) The word HOW LONG was Moses on the mountain?
[sanctify] is used to mean purifying or cleansing, Verse 18.
as at 2 Samuel 11:4, which reads: ‘She was COMMENT: Moses went up Mount
sanctifying herself from her uncleanness.’” Sinai to receive YEHOVAH’s Word. He then
5. What was to happen on the THIRD remained on the mountain with YEHOVAH
day? Exodus 19:16-17. God for 40 DAYS AND NIGHTS. If you have
COMMENT: On the THIRD day after been counting the days since the completion of
their arrival at Mount Sinai YEHOVAH God the seven Sabbaths after the Wave Sheaf
came down on top of the mountain to address Offering (as instructed in Leviticus 23:16) you
them. It was now TEN DAYS since the seven should now notice something very interesting.
Sabbaths were complete on Sivan 8. What Let’s review:
happened next -- in Exodus 20 -- was 1) On the 15th day of the THIRD
YEHOVAH God thundering His Ten MONTH (Sivan) the Israelites arrive at Mount
Commandments or Words to the people of Sinai. This is 7 DAYS after the “seven Sabbaths
Israel. But afterward the people said to Moses, complete” on the 8th day of the THIRD month.
“You speak with us, and we will hear; but let not (8 + 7 = 15).
God speak with us, lest we die.” (verse 19). So 2) For 2 DAYS the Israelites prepare and
“the people stood afar off, but Moses drew near are presented before YEHOVAH God to receive
the thick darkness where God was” (verse 21), His Covenant on the 3rd DAY.
and YEHOVAH God continued to reveal His 3) On the next day -- the 18th day of the
judgments, statutes and precepts to Moses THIRD month -- Moses prepares and goes up
through Exodus 23. This all occurred on SIVAN onto the mountain to receive the tablets of stone.
17. That’s 3 DAYS MORE (2 + 1). 7 DAYS + 3
The impact on Israel that morning DAYS = TEN DAYS.
(Exodus 19:18, 19; and 20:18-21) is a type of 4) Moses spends 40 DAYS up on Mount
the impact of the holy spirit on the day of Sinai with YEHOVAH God receiving the
Pentecost in A.D. 31. written law. That’s 10 DAYS + 40 DAYS = 50
Notice carefully and copy into you notes DAYS!!! Remember, count 50 days to the Feast
Hebrews 12:18-21 and meditate over the of Shavuot after “seven Sabbaths complete”!
instruction the apostle Paul has written for our
admonition upon whom the ENDS OF THIS
Hope of Israel Ministries -- Preparing
the Way for the Return of YEHOVAH
6. Following this, what did YEHOVAH
God and His Messiah!
God tell Moses, Aaron and the seventy elders of

Day of Pentecost -- The Church in YEHOVAH’s Master Plan
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