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The Pagan Origins of Easter

                                                               From where did Easter observance come? Did
                                                               the early Christians dye Easter eggs? Did Peter
                                                               or Paul ever conduct an Easter sunrise service?
                                                               The word "Easter" appears once in the King
                                                               James Version of the Bible (Acts 2:4). The
                                                               word translated "Easter" here is  pascha  which
                                                               is -- as all scholars know -- the Greek word for
                                                               passover  and has no connection with the Eng-
                                                               lish "Easter."

                                                               It is well-known that "Easter" is not a Christian
                                                               expression -- not in its original  meaning. The
                                                               word comes from the name of a pagan goddess
                                                               -- the goddess of the rising light of day and
                 Hope of Israel Ministries (Church of          spring. "Easter" is but a more modern form of
                 YEHOVAH)                                      Eostre, Ostera, Astarte, or Ishtar, the latter, ac-
                 The Berean Voice Magazine                     cording to Hislop, being pronounced as we pro-
                 P.O. Box 6772                                 nounce "Easter" today.
                 Thousand Oaks, CA 91359-6772, U.S.A.
                                                               Like the word "Easter," many of our customs at

                 Website (West Coast):                         this season had their beginnings among non-
                            Christian religions. Easter eggs, for example,
                 Website (East Coast):                         are colored, hid, hunted, and eaten -- a custom
                            done innocently today. However, this custom
                                                               did not originate in Christianity but was a sa-
                                                               cred symbol among the ancient Babylonians
                                                               who believed an old fable about an egg of won-
                                                               drous size that fell from heaven into the Euphra-
                 Editor and Director:                          tes River. From this marvellous egg --
                 John D. Keyser                                according to the myth -- the goddess Astarte
                                                               (Easter) was hatched. The egg came to symbol-
                 Contributing Writers:                         ize the goddess Easter.
                 Louise Rushmore
                 Herbert W. Armstrong                          Are these customs pleasing in YEHOVAH's
                                                               sight? Does Easter honor Yeshua and the mes-
                 Technical Advisor:                            sage he brought to mankind? Are you like a
                 David Hinkley                                 blind sheep following the other millions in ob-
                                                               serving this custom? Why follow heathenism
                 Hope of Israel Ministries --                  and try to convince yourself that you are a

                 Preparing the Way for the                     Christian? YEHOVAH calls such things an
                 Return of YEHOVAH God                                                                      -- John D. Keyser

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