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                       Nisan 12 -- 3rd day  Nisan 11 -- 4th day
                       Nisan 10 -- 5th day  Nisan 9 -- 6th day

                       Now let's prove this from scripture!

                       Jesus Christ is the Passover Lamb, therefore He had to fulfill ALL the instructions pertain-
               ing to the Passover lamb as given to Israel. For example: He was born in Bethlehem because that
               is where the Passover lambs were born and raised. The shepherds that visited Him were probably
               Levite priests who had the responsibility of raising the Passover lambs. Jesus had to be selected as
               the Passover Lamb on the 10th day of Nisan and sacrificed exactly as God commanded "between
               the two evenings" on the 14th day of Nisan -- see Exodus 12:3, 6. The simple fact is that if that se-
               lection occurred on the 9th day or the 8th day -- or if He were sacrificed on the day after God's in-
               struction or at any other time -- He was NOT the Passover Lamb! It's that simple! So WHEN did
               the selection of Jesus as the Passover Lamb occur? The account of this selection is given in the
               book of John --

                       Then six days before the Passover, Jesus came to Bethany....There they made Him a
                       supper....The next day a great multitude that had come to the feast....took branches of
                       palm trees and went out to meet Him, and cried out: "Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes
                       in the name of the Lord! The King of Israel!" Then Jesus, when He had found a young
                       donkey, sat on it; as it is written...

                       This glorifying of Jesus occurred on the DAY AFTER He came to Bethany, and therefore 5
               days before Passover. This act by the people -- along with the anointing after supper the previous
               evening -- are the only accounts in the New Testament that occurred on the six days before Passo-
               ver and that can fulfill the Biblical requirements of selecting Jesus as the Passover Lamb. There-
               fore, they must have occurred on THE 10TH DAY OF NISAN. Remember, a day in Hebrew
               culture is reckoned from sundown to sundown. But now let's back up to verse 2 --

                       There they made Him a supper....Then Mary took a pound of very costly oil of spikenard,
                       anointed the feet of Jesus, and wiped His feet with her hair....Then Jesus said, "Let her
                       alone; she has kept this for the day of My burial." -- John 12:2-7.

                       Jesus came to Bethany on the sixth day before Passover, then during, or just after supper,
               He was anointed for His burial. Since supper is usually at the end of the day, this anointing must
               have occurred after sundown, and ON THE 10TH OF NISAN. JESUS WAS BEING ANOINTED
               (SELECTED) AS THE PASSOVER LAMB, for the Passover lamb was to be killed 5 days later
               on the 14th of Nisan. (Remember, this would be 5 days counting as the Bible counts in Hebrew id-
               iom -- 4 days using modern Western idiom).

                       This next day after He came to Bethany was the daylight portion of the 10th day of Nisan.
               (Every day is accounted for in scripture from His arrival in Bethany to His resurrection and pres-
               entation to the Father as the Wavesheaf offering, and there is simply NOTHING ELSE in the Bible
               -- other than this -- which reveals or indicates to us His selection as the Passover Lamb). The ac-
               count of these two days in scripture is very revealing because

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