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                          the tree, and dunging it, is frequently mentioned in Rabbinic writings, and by the
                          same designations. Curiously, Maimonides mentions THREE YEARS AS THE
                          UTMOST LIMIT which a tree should bear fruit in the land of Israel. Lastly, as
                          trees were regarded as by their roots undermining and deteriorating the land, a
                          BARREN TREE would be of THREEFOLD DISADVANTAGE: it would yield
                          no fruit; it would fill VALUABLE SPACE, which a fruit-bearer might occupy;
                          and it would needlessly DETERIORATE THE LAND. Accordingly, while it was
                          forbidden to destroy FRUIT-BEARING trees, it would, on the grounds above
                          stated, be DUTY to cut down a 'barren' or 'empty' tree (Ilan seraq). -- The Life
                          and Times of Jesus the Messiah. Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., Grand
                          Rapids, MI. 1990. Pp. 246-247 (B.II).

                          These informative particulars will help us to more FULLY understand the details
                   of the Parable of the Barren Fig Tree. Allegorically speaking, the FIG TREE served as an
                   emblem of YEHOVAH GOD'S CHURCH --             of the leaders and the church in general.
                   The VINEYARD is, in the New Testament, the symbol of the Kingdom of God; and we
                   thus see that YEHOVAH God called His church as a nation--      a SPECIAL PEOPLE --
                   and planted it in the most FAVORED spot: as a fig tree in the vineyard of His own
                   Kingdom. And He "[came] seeking fruit," as He had every right to do, "and [found]
                   none." It was the third year that He had VAINLY looked for fruit, when He turned to the
                   keeper of the vineyard --  the Messiah, to whom the vineyard [Kingdom of God] is
                   committed as its king --  with this direction: "Cut it down; why does it use up the
                   ground?" Not only does this barren tree [Church of God] occupy the best location, it also
                   uses up [deteriorates] the ground --  when it should be bearing the BEST of fruit. Its
                   THREE     YEARS      of  barrenness   has   established  its  UTTERLY      HOPELESS
                   CHARACTER. Then we see the keeper of the vineyard [Yeshua], in His infinite
                   compassion, plead for the fig tree [Church of God] which He Himself had planted and
                   tended, that it should be spared "this year also, until I dig around it and fertilize it."

                          This is parallel to Yeshua knocking on the door of the Laodicean Church with the
                   hope that someone would open the door and let Him in. "And if it bears fruit, well. But if
                   not, AFTER THAT [at the return of Yeshua] you can cut it down." In the words of an
                   author of the last century: "Between the tree and the axe nothing intervenes but the
                   INTERCESSION of the Gardener [Yeshua], Who would make A LAST EFFORT, and
                   even His petition applies only to a SHORT AND DEFINITE PERIOD, and, in case it
                   pass WITHOUT RESULT [no fruit of the spirit of God], this petition itself merges in the
                   proposal, "But if not, then CUT IT DOWN."'

                          This warning should have us shaking in our very boots! YEHOVAH's people
                   must bear fruit and, if not, the future is a grim prospect indeed. It's time the
                   LAODICEAN CHURCH woke up to their spiritual decadence and lethargy; its time the
                   Worldwide Church of God, Church of God International, the so-called "Philadelphia"
                   Church of God and all the little splinter groups came to their senses and HEEDED the
                   warnings from YEHOVAH God! Yeshua is knocking on the door--          WAKE UP AND
                   LET HIM IN, for your very existence is at stake!
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