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issue of The Berean Voice. These kingdoms continue for a short time -- a picture of the changing pro-
                       file and lack of "adhesion" -- iron and clay -- of these kingdoms after the fall of Rome.

                              Now let's see what Daniel really says about "those kings."

                                                            The Four Kings

                              As a matter of fact Daniel referred to only four kingdoms aside from the 5th, or stone, kingdom.
                       The feet and toes of clay are a part of the Roman Empire -- though in a weakened state. They are partly
                       strong and partly broken or, as this should be translated,  brittle. Therefore, notes Howard B. Rand,
                       "the only kings to whom Daniel would be referring are the heads of the four empires and, thus, he re-
                       ferred to the days of Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece and Rome as the time when the God of Heaven
                       would set up a kingdom" (Study in Daniel, p. 65). Before we provide evidence to prove this point,
                       let's first see if we can find -- as a matter of historical record -- proof that YEHOVAH God did indeed
                       set up an earthly kingdom. This is very important, and those of the Churches of God who have failed to
                       thoroughly research history to see if YEHOVAH did so organize a kingdom have been very negligent in
                       their efforts.

                              We have already referred to the fact that most conscientious students of the Bible accept the lit-
                       tle stone of Daniel as representative of the Kingdom of YEHOVAH and of Yeshua His Messiah. With
                       this we can be in perfect agreement. But when they try to tell us that this Kingdom has not yet been es-
                       tablished, and that this event will not take place until the return of Yeshua, we most certainly disagree
                       with this idea. As history shows, their whole contention is totally wrong because YEHOVAH God did
                       set up a kingdom -- fulfilling in every detail everything that Daniel said about it and the time of its

                                                       The Kingdom of Yeshua

                              Because, as we have just mentioned, most Bible students are in agreement that the Stone King-
                       dom of Daniel must represent the Kingdom over which the Messiah is to reign, let's turn now to the
                       New Testament and read what the angel said to Mary in Luke 1 --

                              Look! You will become pregnant, you will give birth to a son, and you are to name him
                              Yeshua. He will be great, he will be called Son of HaElyyon. Adonai, God, will give him
                              the throne of his forefather David; and he will rule the House of Ya'akov [Jacob] forever
                              -- there will be no end to his Kingdom (Luke 1:31-33, JNT).

                              Leaders of the Churches of God have recognized and accepted the fact that Mary did give birth
                       to a son, that his name was called Yeshua, that he has become great and is called the son of YEHO-
                       VAH God. No true Christian will deny any one of these statements, for they are all literally fulfilled and
                       upon the basis of that literal fulfillment the Church of God stands today.

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