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P. 17

Lesson 41 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course 17

COMMENT: Perfect, mature love casts has given us! Those who IGNORE YEHO-
out fear, worry, anxiety, depression and the neg- VAH’s “warning message” concerning these
ative emotions that can WRECK mental health. things, however, will bring upon themselves af-
7. Notice I John 4:18. flictions, sores, infections, cancerous tumors, a
COMMENT: This kind of love is host of debilitating diseases, suffering and even-
OUTGOING CONCERN for the welfare of tually DEATH!
other people, as OPPOSED to self-centered,
selfish concern for one’s own self. It is the The Eternal, Unchanging Laws of
ATTITUDE of giving service to others -- help- YEHOVAH God
8. What did the Messiah say in Acts Consider for a moment. The great God
20:35? who designed the human body knows how it
COMMENT: This kind of love is the works best. He knows what kind of “fuel” it
ESSENTIAL KEY to mental health and emo- needs to operate at peak efficiency. The Creator
also knows what sort of things
would tend to IMPAIR -- even
DESTROY over time -- the deli-
cate, fine balance of the human
mechanism. He knows what sort
of foods would “clog” its filters,
bog down its immune system, or
weaken and devitalize its long-
range effectiveness. YEHOVAH
God knows all about these things!
WHO, then are we to TURN UP
our noses at YEHOVAH and His
laws, and thumb our noses at
YEHOVAH? WHO are we to say,
tional well-being. It CONQUERS the negative “We disagree with you and your
emotions of jealousy, envy, fear, hatred, vanity, food laws.” “They don’t make any sense to us.”
worry, anxiety, inferiority, etc. If a person has “We are going to eat whatever we please!”
true love for others, he will radiate cheerfulness Isn’t that like the FOOLISH baby who
and joy. Cheerfulness and joy are tremendous puts all sorts of dirt and filthy things into its
antidotes for mental illness. mouth, “experimenting”? Aren’t most grown
9. Modern clinical evidence SUPPORTS men and women just little children grown up
the following statements of Solomon: Proverbs physically but still “doing their own thing” and
12:25 and 15:13. IGNORING the laws of YEHOVAH God, spiri-
COMMENT: By obeying the laws of tually?
YEHOVAH God concerning health, we come 1. What does YEHOVAH God say in
under His protection. He intends to spare His Exodus 15:26?
people the sickness, disease and afflictions that COMMENT: Notice! YEHOVAH’s
come upon those people who DEFY His laws healing promises are CONDITIONAL. He does
and commandments. Keeping YEHOVAH’s NOT promise to “heal” us if we break His laws,
health laws protects our health -- one of the transgress His covenant, ignore His statutes, and
MOST vital and valuable gifts YEHOVAH God turn our ears away from His commandments. He

YEHOVAH God’s Health Laws
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