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14 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course Lesson 34

rest were long gone! Note that it was
the season for the Days of Unleavened
Bread. This probably accounts for the
temporary presence of James.
4. When Paul again went up to
Jerusalem in A.D. 49, whom did he
find? Galatians 2:9.
(Cephas), James (the Messiah’s
brother) -- and John. Now it was John
who was temporarily at headquarters
in Jerusalem.
It is evident that most of the
apostles had designated responsibili-
ties elsewhere, which were occasion-
View of modern Ashdod with the Mediterranean Sea in the ally interrupted either by trips to or
distance. Philip the evangelist (who was first a deacon -- temporary tours of duty at head-
Acts 6:5) came down here in one of the earliest evangelistic quarters. Peter was most often at Jeru-
efforts beyond Judea. salem after the first 12 years in which
the Syro-Palestinean area had been
thoroughly covered. But this does not mean that
What Was Peter’s Job? Peter settled back on an ecclesiastical throne and
never left the city. Notice!
All the early lay members of the Ecclesia 5. We have already noted Peter jour-
were scattered from Jerusalem. But what of the neying to Samaria, Joppa, and other places
apostles? around Palestine. Where else does the Bible
1. What was the main commission given show Peter traveled? Galatians 2:11. Then isn’t
to the Twelve? Were they called specifically to it evident that part of Peter’s job among the
go to the “lost sheep of the HOUSE OF Twelve was to travel around and to coordinate
ISRAEL? Matthew 10:2-6. But to do this they the Work of the Ecclesias to the House of Israel
would have to leave Palestine! Only the Judah- and the Jews in the Near East?
ites -- HOUSE OF JUDAH -- had returned to 6. On Peter’s first trip, did John accom-
Palestine from captivity. pany him? Acts 8:14. Did the Church usually
2. Whom did Paul find left in Jerusalem send out men by twos? Luke 10:1; Acts 15:39.
about 38 A.D.? Galatians 1:18, 19. Yeshua the Messiah designated John to be the
COMMENT: Of the original Twelve, one to supervise the whole Ecclesia after all the
only Peter was there! The James mentioned here other apostles were dead (John 21:22-23).
is the Messiah’s brother, also mentioned in COMMENT: This does NOT mean that
Matthew 13:55. He was not one of the original Peter, or John, was ever the Head of the Ecclesia
Twelve, although he had become an apostle. As or in a pontifical office over the other apostles.
late as the last six months of the Messiah’s life, Notice! Peter and John were SENT by the apos-
James did not believe in him (John 7:5-8). tles collectively under the Messiah’s inspiration.
3. When King Herod, about A.D. 42, Nor was Peter at ROME for a long period
martyred James, the brother of John, whom else of time! It was another Simon, also called a
did he find in Jerusalem? Acts 12:1-3. Peter, who went to Rome and spent 25 years
COMMENT: Peter was there. But the there. Rome, basically, was not a Christian

The White Horse of Revelation 6:2
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