Page 21 - lesson32.vp
P. 21

Lesson 32 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course 21


Zinjanthropus as drawn for National Geographic,
September 1960.

remains, minor racial groups with less distinc-
tive characters” (p. 54).
Other authors corroborate this. Contrary
to what true scientific facts would allow,
evolutionists have given fossils the appearance
that suited their PRECONCEIVED THEORIES.

Additional Reading...

Did Noah’s Flood Cover the Highest

Answers to Questions in Lesson 31:

1. singular form 2. alone 3. physical
manifestation 4. The manifestation. 5.
Absolutely NOT! 6. The first two
chapters. 7. Adultery or fornication. 8.
Yes. 9. third 10. YEHOVAH God and
the Messiah. 11. Yes. 12. The middle
of the first half of the 2nd. Century at the
very earliest. 13. They will shine as the
sun. 14. The holy spirit, also known as
the Shekinah Glory. 15. The holy spirit.
16. When we are born of YEHOVAH God
-- transformed into spirit beings at the

Evolution -- Fact? Or Fabrication?
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