Page 18 - lesson25.vp
P. 18

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Question 1: Is there such a thing as “hell” mentioned in the Bible?___________________

Question 2: The original Greek word “gehenna” is usually translated into what English

Question 3: How many meanings can the word HELL have in the New Testament?______

Question 4: Is it true that “hell fire” will utterly consume the wicked so they will never be

Question 5: What does the Bible say the “wages of sin” is?_________________________

Question 6: What happens when a person dies?__________________________________

Question 7: When does a person receive final judgment?___________________________

Question 8: By what standard will ALL people be judged?_________________________

Question 9: Does the parable of Lazarus and the rich man prove there is to be eternal
punishing of the wicked?____________________________________________

Question 10: What did gehenna fire refer to during New Testament times?

Question 11: From where has the world received its FALSE concept of “hell”?

Question 12: What do the people of the world believe “hell” to be?

Question 13: In which of the following scriptures did the Messiah talk about “hell fire”?
(a) John 1:1 (b) Hebrews 5:2 (c) Mark 9:45 (d) Mark 10:7__________________

Question 14: “Hell fire” is to be -- ____________________________________________

Question 15: When you see the word “hell” in your Bible, can you sometimes deduce its
meaning by the context around it?_____________________________________


The answers will be found in the next lesson. Approximately 3 weeks after receiving Lessons
25-28, you will receive a mail-in test that covers these four lessons. The test will be returned
to you after grading. Following the completion of the Hope of Israel Bible Correspondence
Course you will receive a Certificate of Completion. If you complete the course with a grade
of 75% or better you will also receive an Outstanding Student Award.

E-Mail: Visit the Hope of Israel Websites at:
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